International parrot names


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 23, 2018
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Bourke's parrots, green cheeked conure
To play you don't have to know languages - no matter if you know just English or 10 languages, you can using Google. The rule is easy: one person writes a parrot name in a foreign language (it may be even your native one, if you aren't native English speaker) and the second writes the name in English and what English it was. For example:
Person 1: Rudosterka zielonolica
Person 2: green cheeked conure (Polish)
Ara arakanga
Person 3 (or 1 again): scarlet macaw (Czech)


  • if you look for the name on the Internet, my recommend is Wikipedia - in English there are available all parrot species and on the left side you have a list of available sides in other languages. If you really want to find the name in language, but the species isn't available there - it is possible too, but you have to find another way (remember - never translate names through Google translator - it won't work in most cases).
  • if you want to find out what the name means - copy the name and paste into Google. Usually you should get the answer
  • some names are the same in few languages - eg. Ara ararauna means blue and gold macaw in many languages. In this case you can choose one or write few languages - eg. Polish, Czech, Slovakian, Latin
  • some species may have few names in one language - you can choose one (if you don't know which is the most common, you can choose the title name from Wikipedia - it should make next player getting the right answer after googling)

I'll start:
Tip - continuation
After copying and pasting the name to Google you should get the name in your language on the right:
ill make this easy..
Cacatoès noir
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Palm cockatoo (French)
Bourkesittich (nobody answered yet)
cacatoès à crête de soufre - yellow crested cockatoo? (French)
Isn't that a sulfure crested cockatoo (in french)?
I'm not sure - I didn't get the answer on the right, but the first result was fr.Wikipedia about yellow crested cockatoo (Cacatoès soufré)
I'm not sure - I didn't get the answer on the right, but the first result was fr.Wikipedia about yellow crested cockatoo (Cacatoès soufré)
Okay, I just checked, and you're right. Cacatoès à crête de soufre brings up Cacatua sulphurea, which is a Yellow Crested cockatoo. Sulphur Crested cockatoo is Cacatua galerita.
Its a lesser sulfer crested cockatoo
It's the same species - lesser sulfur crested 'too = yellow crested 'too

Just reminding of the current name in the game:
It's the same species - lesser sulfur crested 'too = yellow crested 'too

Just reminding of the current name in the game:
Sulfur crested cockatoo (German)

Guacamayo rojo
Blue and gold macaw (Danish)

Southern mealy amazon (German)

Toui céleste
Toui céleste - pacific parrotlet (French)
Amazonas de Guadalupe
Guadeloupe amazon?

Um ok this one is in Afrikaans:
Is it a finch?
Note: The rule is to write parrot species names.
Also, I think it is much easier to write full species name because they are easy to find. With the original idea of not writing the language, it's really hard to find which language and which type, while species usually pop out during searching
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I have not written the next species:

Tricha orlí

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