Injured Leg


New member
Mar 19, 2025
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Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
Cinnamon Green Cheeked Conure

I am new to the forum and looking for some advice. We have a 7yo Cinnamon Green Cheek who started experiencing seizures back in the fall of 2024. After some testing, the vet seems to think the seizures are neurological. Since the initial seizure, our poor little Elphie has had two more, the most recent was this past Friday. After this last one, she seems to be walking with a limp and is hesitant to step up for us (completely out of character for her). We have not gotten any xrays or anything, but the leg has no visible signs of anything serious (no deformation, swelling or bruising). It isn't preventing her from climbing her cage, playing with toys or affecting her eating, other than not holding things as she normally would. We are assuming this is just a sprain or strain of sorts.

Looking for anyone's thoughts on our assumption of a sprain/strain. Also looking for other's experiences on recovery times for such injuries, advice on thing we can do to help.

Sounds like a sprain or strain but I'm not a medical professional.
A trip to the vet couldn't hurt.

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