Inexpensive Green fire ant removing device


New member
Jul 25, 2010
Jacksonville, Florida
Clifford-Scarlet Macaw
Kayko- B&G Macaw
Doogie - Catalina Hybrid Macaw
In Florida we have Fire Ants which make mounds in the yard and are a danger to small children. I have devised a very effective green and cheap way to eliminate them. A decade ago, rear projection TVs were the rage and about the only way to have a really large TV. These are now found at the curb in increasing numbers as people switch to flat screen TVs. Inside of each of these TVs is a large plastic mat right behind the screen called a Fresnal Lense. If you take this flexible mat and frame it up, when the sun shines through it, it will create a beam like a magnifying glass hot enough to melt aluminum. Position this over the mound on a sunny day and wallah... the fire ants are smoked! Click on picture to enlarge.
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Be careful Al or the fire marshal might come knocking on your door.....
Hmmmm! That's taking the term "Fire Ant" a bit literally!

It does occur to me that anything hot enough to melt aluminum would be hot enough to start a grass or brush fire in your yard...
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Hmmmm! That's taking the term "Fire Ant" a bit literally!

It does occur to me that anything hot enough to melt aluminum would be hot enough to start a grass or brush fire in your yard...

Yes! Leaves catch fire at 451 degrees F. but all around the mound is nothing but ant dirt. I do not leave this unattended. Even storing the lense is kinda dangerous as it needs to be away from any sunlight. I now have an even bigger one that is closer to being square and concentrates the light to a 1" circle.

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