Indy is going through her first hormonal rage!!


Sep 12, 2013
Hey guys! Indy is about one and a half, two in august. She is officially going through the hormonal season for the first time. I see now why it's been so difficult for her to get along with the little gcc...she wants me to be her girlfriend! lol I don't stroke her or encourage mating behavior by any means but she humped me yesterday!!! I quickly distracted her and moved on, but geez, that was unexpected. She's actually not as bad as I was expecting, just being extra jealous and a little more noisey and moody. No biting or anything like that. I think our trust exercises have been working :) We will get through this! :) Hope everyone is doing well!
On the bright side, at least it's a conure, not a male amazon... :eek:

So, there's that! Feel better now?!

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