Indian Ringneck Sick


New member
Mar 11, 2014
Hi there,
I purchased a Indian Ringneck Parakeet only 2 weeks ago and its acting very strange, it use to be lively and used to climb around the cage but now its just sits on 1 perch very lethargic. It has diarrhoea, also it seems to have lost his voice, it still eating and drinking Its currently on a pellet diet. Its around 4 months. I have no avian vets nearby there all relatively far so should I just take it to a regular vet?
Thanks for info
A regular vet may be able to run some very basic tests and treat some common conditions (like an infection that needs antibiotics). However, they still may tell you to take the bird to an AV and if it is a serious condition, a regular vet may not have the knowledge/experience an AV has to even identify the cause or properly treat the bird.

That all said, what exactly has the bird been eating besides pellets? Has he/she had a varied diet with lots of fruit and veg daily? Any "extra" exposure to water, like a bath? Fruits and veg can actually cause runny poop, as can baths or events where the bird ingests more moisture than normal, and it is not necessarily a sign of illness. As for the activity level, what have you given your bird to do? Lots of different toys and a cage large enough with many different perched to really move around in? Is the bird able to come out of it's cage yet? Birds who are not mentally stimulated become bored, depressed and inactive. I'm not asking these things to make you feel bad or anything, but it helps to have more information to suggest a possible cause of the problems. Maybe I'm wrong, but you sound pretty new to birds, so you may not know all the ropes yet:)
avian vet ASAP, no time to waste.....!
Is he on the same diet that he was on when you got him? How much is he eating?
KiwiBird had some good questions as well about fruit in his diet.
If it is at all possible, I think you should try to get him to an avian vet even if it isn't close.
The diarhhea and lethargy worry me.

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