In Need Of A Foster Family For Umbrella Too

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Jun 13, 2016
Hello everyone, nice to meet you for the first time. I'm (as you can see) brand new to the site, but definitely not new to birds.
My husband and I have had a very insane last 2 years, and our world is changing yet again. We live in NJ and would appricate any help from someone within a 4 hr driving radious from here.
We're going to be moving the first of July to a place that will not tolerate the famous mouth of a cockatoo.

This apartment will be for about a year, just long enough to save for a down payment to buy a house. The only way to do this is to slum it and pay next to nothing so we can save.
Unfortunately, our cockatoo Tiki is caught in the cross hairs and we already had her in boarding once for 6 months. That was over a year ago, and it drove her crazy and it was god awful expensive.

So I'm reaching out today to the wonderful parrot parents that can totally understand what cockatoos are about.
Tiki is a female umbrella cockatoo that loves to venture in and out of her cage. She's 10 years old, doesn't say but one word..."chicken". Lol. That's actually her nick name. She's very friendly and in pretty universal between men and women. Children should be careful. We don't have any, but a friends child dropped her once and she hasn't really taken to kids since.

My husband and I are looking for a family that would like to foster her until we purchase our new house. My husband said if she bonds very well with a family he would consider adopting her out.

So if your relativity close and are interested, please drop me an email and I'll give you my phone number. You must be familiar with cockatoos or parrots. She has a very large cage and manzanita tree play set. We'd obviously send or bring food for her. So please, if anyone is interested or knows of someone, please we don't want tiki back in boarding. That's just too stressful


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Would love to have her for you but location knocks that one I'm afraid. Sincerely hope that you find something that suits her and you, good luck.
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Awe! Just a little too far!! may give me an excuse to travel 🤗
We know that a year is a bit much to ask out of someone, but it never hurts to ask. We'd really rather her in someone's care than in the back of a bird store. And she's the sweetest thing. Luckily I can take my tiels with me. They're too old to board IMO, one is 21 and the other is 16. Don't want the stress.

Fingers crossed someone see this and would like a house guest for a little bit 😃


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I am sorry it is too far also as would love to have her for you. Yes hope you get a good offer soon.
I am also too far (San Diego) to help, but want to welcome you to the forum. Tiki is beautiful and no doubt has personality to match!

You certainly have an advantage of living near many major population centers, so the chances of finding a competent and trustworthy foster are reasonable.

I have never needed to foster a parrot, but my number one concern other than safety and freedom from disease contagion would be counting on a return on demand. An ethical foster and a legally concise contract would be a must.

Good luck with temporarily placing Tiki and hope your quest for home ownership goes smoothly!
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Absolutely. A legal binding contract is a must. And I really hope I can find someone before we move. I felt so bad today when I was taking a shower and she was on the shower rod dancing. Her way of life is going to change completely. I was lucky she wasn't a plucker while in boarding for all that time. I visited her once a week and brought her treats, but that wasn't enough. Well, first was England, second was CA, which is getting closer to NJ. Maybe someone close to us will reach out soon.

Thank you guys for being so welcoming to the forum and the kind words.
I'm located in Philly, but I'll ask around to my bird friends for sure. I'm sorry things have been rough for you. I'm assuming you boarded at Todd Marcus or Bird Paradise?
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Hi! Yes actually it was Todd Marcus. They seem to be much cleaner and brighter than Bird Paradise. My husband and I were victims of fraudulent foreclosure. Long story, but we sued Wells Fargo, lost because corruption runs rampant through the system. My attorney couldn't believe the entire 6 counts were dropped.

So, we move to SC in August of '14, moved back to NJ in Jan of '15 to start the suit for the house. This is when tiki was boarded from Jan '15 till June '15, when we rented a house for the last year. The judge ruled in March '16 and now we decided to rent somewhere cheap to start our lives completely over. Amazing what big banks can get away with. And yes, they are too big to fail and they pay off the system.
I was thinking of telling my story and putting it on YouTube. Because what happened to us, is pure insanity. So, a real long story short, I've now moved 4 times in 2 yrs. I feel like a gypsy! I was in my house for 10 yrs so this is really bothersome to me.

Anyway, this is what my poor birds have been through, and it's just too much stress. I feel terrible and all we want is our lives back to normal. So, that's why I'm here asking for a foster home. Someone to save tiki from going back to the store.
Hi...and welcome. I am in CT and am familiar with 'too's. Has Tiki ever been around other birds?

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Hey Jim. Yes, Tiki has always been in the presence of other birds, and free roam with them as well. We have kept her with a jenday conure, cockatiels and a parakeet. She's always been the biggest bird. Also when she was at the store she was always with big parrots. She can sit side by side with my cockatiels. She doesn't go after them or nip which is funny. Cause big birds can't be trusted with little birds. I guess she doesn't see them as any different. Maybe because she's been with them from just a few months old. Connecticut isn't that far. We'd be open to that distance.

Hi and welcome to the forum. I dont think Im any help as I doubt very much if you would be putting Tiki on a plane to Ireland which is where I live but I do hope you find a suitable home for Tiki for the year and that you get to save up for your home. Enjoy the forum and hopefully everything will work out well for all of you and Tiki too :)
Hey Jim. Yes, Tiki has always been in the presence of other birds, and free roam with them as well. We have kept her with a jenday conure, cockatiels and a parakeet. She's always been the biggest bird. Also when she was at the store she was always with big parrots. She can sit side by side with my cockatiels. She doesn't go after them or nip which is funny. Cause big birds can't be trusted with little birds. I guess she doesn't see them as any different. Maybe because she's been with them from just a few months old. Connecticut isn't that far. We'd be open to that distance.


I have Amy,my Blue Front,have had her almost 27 yrs now,and she loves everyone. She was best friends with Jonesy, the Goffins. I now have a baby <BB> 'tiel and Amy is now best buds with him :).
Jonesy turned in to a screamer and a biter <jeckyl/hyde> and it broke my heart to have to rehome him,but now he is thriving at his new home.

Of course we'd have to do a "meet and greet" first,to see how Tiki would interact with me. This is a huge undertaking for all concerned,and of course the utmost concern for our fids.

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Hey Jim. I tried to respond to your PM, but the forum won't allow me until I have 20 posts.
We can text, chat or FaceTime. Get to know each other a bit
Talk to you soon
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A Moderator will be happy to forward your information for you, You can just PM one of us and we would be happy to help. Good luck on finding a foster for your baby:)
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Hi jim, I never received your text. Maybe the phone number was off by a digit
Might be too far South

I can foster the bird. But I live north of Savannah GA.
So its 6 hours if you meet me in the middle somewhere.

Email me and I will explain myself better. (the moderator should be forwarding my email address to you. It was redacted.

In the mean time, I need to post 15 more comments to be able to private message someone. I will get started.

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I live in central new jersey. So if your still open just give me a private message, I have my bird Penny who is a lesser sulphur crested cockatoo and have an large open cage for the pretty umbrella :)
I had texted JennKerry not long ago. She said that her new landlord will allow her and her hubby to bring Tiki along :D
She is grateful for every ones concerns and says thank you very much!

Thank you for the update, Jim! I'm so glad she got to keep Tiki:)
I'll close this thread now.
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