In 6 hours...


New member
Aug 13, 2013
B&G macaw
Quinn, the CAG we're adopting from Orbea lands. We get to pick her up at the airport at 2! I'm so excited! I keep looking at the clock, but it's not moving fast enough. I think we've got everything we need for her. Now to find something the entertain myself for the next 6 hours...
I bet you wished you lived in my time zone now. :D

This will be SUCH an exciting day!!! I can think of a few things you could do to "kill" time. The Z bird comes to mind. ;)
The best feeling ever! Please post pictures soon!
LOL The day Paris was being shipped to me I showed up at the Airport 6 hours early.
(airport is a 4 hour drive itself) I spent the day running from pet store to pet store! LOL
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Oh you'll certainly get pictures! She's a good looking girl!

She's a little shaken up from the flight but not as much as I expected. My daughter is already holding her. She stepped right up without hesitation! That's a good sign. She's only been home an hour!
Yay!! Congrats!! Can't wait to see pictures!! Don't let Z hypnotize the newbie with his demonic chants!! ;)
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I need to update you all on Z here in a bit.
He got a bath. I mean a full on soaked down to the core shower. It's always an adventure trying to handle that bird. (Yes Wendy. This was directly after I got off the phone with you)

My groomer is coming tomorrow. I scheduled her for tomorrow in case Quinn needed her beak and/or nails done. (she doesn't. Orbea took exceptional care of this bird), so I'm expecting another adventure complete with a canon and a flight under the big top.

I need to update you all on Z here in a bit.
He got a bath. I mean a full on soaked down to the core shower. It's always an adventure trying to handle that bird. (Yes Wendy. This was directly after I got off the phone with you)

My groomer is coming tomorrow. I scheduled her for tomorrow in case Quinn needed her beak and/or nails done. (she doesn't. Orbea took exceptional care of this bird), so I'm expecting another adventure complete with a canon and a flight under the big top.

HEHEHEHEHEHEH...I am SO looking forward to this story. :D
It must have been so heart wrenching for Orbea to have to say good-bye to her baby.

While I feel sad imagining how that must have felt for her, I am absolutely thrilled for you. What a great home Orbea has found for her girl. She's done good! :)

Can't wait to see what she looks like. What's her name?
Gina F - I just love your posts, they are always entertaining yet helpful all in one. So glad you were able to help in giving this awesome bird a new home. I also love hearing the stories about Z.
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Her name is Quinn. I've got some pictures, but I'll snap some more today and post them.

What a night. She fell in her cage last night. That scared me. She's ok but when it happened the second time, I came downstairs to check on her again and she was sitting on the bottom grate. I opened the door and was met with a whispered "Hi!" She was having such a hard time sleeping.

We cuddled for a few minutes on the living room floor where she kept pressing into me as if she were looking for comfort. I knew she was scared. So I decided to take her upstairs with me for the night. I put her in my travel cage next to my bed and she settled right down and went to sleep.

I know greys are clumsy birds but her falling from the top of the cage frightens me. I might put some old pillows in the bottom of it until she gets used to the dimensions. I'm also going to pick her up more rope perches today and put those in. She seems to prefer those over the wood ones.

So neither one of us got any sleep last night. If I seem a little off today, that's why. (excuses, excuses - I know!)
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My grey loves to sleep in his travel cage. If you don't mind the extra work of having a sleep cage it may be a good thing.

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