I'm worried I don't have enough time..


New member
Oct 24, 2017
Taco (green cheek conure)
Tequila (Pineapple conure)
I've been wanting a conure for quite a while now, but seem to be always putting it off since i'm quite a busy person. I'm in high school so i'm quite a social butterfly and hang out with friends a lot, and have a part time job that is every Saturday (8:30-4:30), and during holidays most days. I go to a very alternative school, so i'd be aloud to bring my parrot to school, plus i have mornings/nights. I guess my question is how much time do you give to your parrot every day, and if you are busy what are some ways that help's you to give your parrot the attention they need? :orange:
Alternative school or not, it is best if you wait until your an adult to get a parrot. Preferably and adult who's been supporting yourself/living on your own for at least a year or 2 and are financially stable. Enjoy being in high school and don't burden yourself with the responsibilities that come with such an attention needy pet at this time in your life!
High school thru college are tough years to own any type of parrot, because why? Parrots are a type of pet or companion that you need to have some time with him/her every day. It's that daily interaction that keeps parrots tame and good companions. They like their schedule, so woe onto you if he doesn't get dinner on time. They are expensive to maintain - good parronts keep a slush fund to cover unexpected health issues, and regular avian vet visits. Good health food for parrots involves some fresh fruit or veggies, proteins and some seed. And they need your focused attention and love. Getting along with another species, the both of you training the other. Daily cage and play stand cleaning , maybe more, with a really thorough clean up every 1-2 weeks, depending on how messy your parrot is. And they can be loud, real loud if they want to be. Every parrot is an individual so some birds show some but not all the generalizations. Not every Grey is smart, not every cockatoo is neurotic and not every Green Cheek Conure is a clingy mush ball.
yes very true about waiting. The later part of high school was a blur of irresponsibility

then college was an alcohol and "other" fueled 2 years which I struggle to remember large portions of now. These next few years for you is the time to be crazy and let loose. It'll catch up to you when you hit your mid 20's, to which then a wild night is when you leave your mug out and not put away and are in bed by 9
My parents allowed me to get a Jenday Conure when I was 13, approaching high school. It was great at first, but then my schedule got so busy (on the swim team, school all day, part time job, friends, boyfriend) that by the time I was almost done with high school, he was not getting much out of cage time or attention and I had to rehome him.

So my advice to you is....DON'T DO IT. Wait until you are at least 21 and out of school to re-evaluate your desire for a conure. With how busy you are, it simply will not be fair to the conure to be away so much, it will surely not get the attention it deserves. They are very much like children and want to be with you all day, every day, for 30 years straight. Seriously.
Everyone above is 100% right. I posted this just the other day though, any chance your parent s want a bird, and will let you play with it too? Kind of like dad buys a mustang, but you're allowed to take it on dates.....Bird live 30+ years....

Your parents getting a bird for themselves that you can play with; and then if your interested, you know 5-8 someodd years later, adopt from them that might be a loophole...If they are not interested though....yeah I have to agree with everyone above.

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