I'm such a bad liar, I can't even fool a parrot...


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
So my hubby got a coupon for a free pie, and said pie is chocolate mousse:32:. So I wait until a certain someone settles in for a nap, before deciding to try a slice of this pie. Naturally, this certain avian individuals "you're eating without me" radar kicks in and I see him straining from the top of his cage to see what I'm eating whilst making some hellos at me:52: Understanding earth shattering squawking is about to commence, I quickly run to the treat jar and grab an almond. I sneakily pretend to take the almond off my plate, hoping to fool said someone into thinking he is getting some of what I'm having (and heck, an almond is kind of like pie for a parrot, right?);) I place it in his treat dish while excitedly telling him "that's what mommy has". He zooms in his cage.

So thinking I have pulled off the "perfect crime" towards avian-kind, I turn to go back to the table when I hear a low growling noise. He is standing in the door of his cage with the almond in his beak and anger in his eyes. He then flings the almond and hissed at me! Understanding there wasn't going to be a peaceful resolution to this, I sadly had to put my piece of pie in the fridge for after birdie bedtime:(
That is hysterical! So your act was not an award winning one for him, huh?
I cannot stop laughing:)
I would have loved to have seen your face as you had to put the pie away.
OMG! What a funny story. Thanks for sharing. I hope you get to enjoy your pie later tonight.

Edited: Gosh now I want pie!
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Bwahahaha!!! So funny!! They're SO demanding when they want to share, aren't they?

I had washed Percy's cage yesterday and it was outside drying in the sun at our lunchtime. Normally, we put mister P in his cage at meal times because he just does not take NO for an answer! HE will decide if something I'm eating is too hot or unsafe for him, thank you very much! Anyway, he was out and about and DEMANDED to share my plate even though I took pieces of food from said plate, blowed on it to cool it and put it in a bowl for him, right next to my plate. He KNEW the bowl and my plate contained the exact same food but wanted to climb onto the rim of my plate and dig in! I don't mind sharing with him at all but I can't have him eat food that will burn his crop but he doesn't give a hoot about my concerns ;). Eventually, I also had to give up eating and put my plate away until I could sneak it past him to go eat in peace in my bedroom. Little demanding Stinker! LOL!!
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That is hysterical! So your act was not an award winning one for him, huh?
I cannot stop laughing:)
I would have loved to have seen your face as you had to put the pie away.

It's times like this I just want to grab him and....give him all the snuggles and scritches and luvin' he deserves:D! (He does NOT like snuggles and scritches and luvins' BTW)

@Percy- Amazons are big pigs. Kiwi joins us for breakfast and dinner. It's not a matter of "allow" anymore, it has become expected:09:
Well I keep reading that they have the intelligence of a 5 year old. How many 5 yr olds do YOU know that would be fooled like that?
Excellent point, Doug!! I believe that without stimulation they probably have the mental abilities of a toddler but boy, can they ever LEARN and grow! :)
Well, I didn't really want to say anything but............hahahahahahahahaha, no, we rarely are able to fool are birds. They seem to stay one step ahead.
Lol, amazons are such foodies.
Bosley can't be fooled either that way. I only eat chocolate when I'm not at home.
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No awards for my acting. I think he might've been so mad he scared me near to death yesterday as "retribution" for not sharing.
Well I keep reading that they have the intelligence of a 5 year old. How many 5 yr olds do YOU know that would be fooled like that?

Haha, so true!

I always have to share. I might have given mine a bit of crust.
So funny that he hissed!
You know, they have incredible eyesight, too!:D
Amazons know they rightfully deserve ALL the food and we are just there to dish it onto a plate and hold the plate for them while they eat. lol!! Charlie is the same way with any food I have, he is quite convinced it all belongs to him and he generously allows me to share! I have hidden in my bedroom with illicit chocolate snacks and my beloved avocado salads too.

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