I'm SOOooo Happy!


New member
Oct 6, 2006
Orlando, FL / Austin, TX
Misty ~ Cockatiel,
Sidney ~ Jenday Conure,
Paulie ~ Blue Crowned Conure
Ok so I've known I want to be a zoo keeper ever since Steve Irwin's passing (long story) and one of my requirements for school is doing this research project on my probable vocation so I have chosen zoo keeping. So tonight my dad and I were in a town 60ish miles from here doing some Christmas shopping and we stopped at the mall - Well what do you know They had this traveling zoo set up that was free!!! so I thought great looked over the animals they were too cute then I decided it would be a great idea to ask the guy in charge a few questions for my project. Well one of the keepers got this baby tiger out of it's cage and I got to pet it. he was tiny smaller than my 14 pound dog but boy could he scream LOL it was soooo cool I was just in the right place at the right time!!! anyways I have been soo excited all day this is just too cool and I know this is totally unrelated to birds but we all love animals here. Well tomorrow i get to go volunteer at the animal shelter that is always a high light of my week. Thanks for leting me share my excitement:D
That is soo nice. I just love baby animals!!! Im studying nature conservation, so understand exactly what was going through your mind. If you can and there is a zoo nearby, you should try and get in and volunteer there. I was a junior nature conservator at our zoo, you get to go in the cages, and when there is no one at the zoo, you wont believe how tame the animals really are!!!:D

You do projects, like making toys and entertaining the animals with it. You have sleep overs at the zoo and get to interact with other zookies as we were called. Anyway thats just my experience, you should really look at what courses they offer at zoos, maybe they have a nature conservator course there.

Glad you enjoyed and got so lucky with your project, its sometimes hard to find "real life" info from experienced people, good luck and let us know how your project progresses!!!;)
That is soooooooo awesome, working with animals, that is a piece of heaven, and so so worthwhile, Getting to pet a real life baby tiger, I am so green with envy here.

Wilma, your little piece of heaven sounds marvellous, how bout sharing and making me even more envious????

This time last year we had over 25 pets living with us and spending time and cleaning up after them meant more than my wage packet each month.

I know this is totally unrelated to birds but we all love animals here.
Thats a fact, and this IS definately the place to share.

Let us know how you get on, I wish you every sucess in your vocation.
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so i went back today with my mom and got my picture taken with him and got to hold him and bottle feed him he is 8 weeks old an you say TOO CUTE!
You have gotten me sooooooooooooo green with envy now, :26: and I think the only way to make it up to me, is to share that photo,

Really though Kelli, that must have been awesome. I do hope that we get to see the pic. :D
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maybe i will crop my head out of it and post it LOL i'm not supposed to post any personal pics of myself
I can understand that, If you can't do that I would happily fuzz you out, if you could email me the pic. Talk to your Mum about that. I would gladly send the pic back to you. You can even PM the pic to me if you wanted to do that.

Your parents are very wise not to want you to have personal pics of you on the net. I'm the same with my daughter, I don't allow her to post pics of herself. :)
Sounds amazing Kelli.I got to swim with Dolphins a coulple of years ago and it changed my life. Never thought I could be so passoinate about animals.I am Glad you mentioned Steve Irwins passing.As an Australian and an animal lover I was touched greatly by this.I went to his zoo once and was mooved by the whole experience.He was much loved by my family.I watched his tripute on tv and could not help but cry.He was a hero of mine and made animals his entire focus. He was shuned by some for his hands on approach but he was a true animal man. As you can tell I loved steve and had utmost respect for the man. R.I.P Steve. you will live on forever in our hearts.
Steve Irwin, what can you say about that man, he was wonderful, no amount of words can express how much he was loved, admired and respected in my household. It would make me so mad when the tabloids knocked him for one thing or another. If there were more people like him the world would be a far better place. I also watched some of his tribute on the TV, (we didn't get the whole thing here :( ) and sobbed, I also have to praise his Daughter Bindi, what a wonderful little girl. Watch out for her, I think she is going to be just as big and wonderful as her Dad. :07:
That has been a dream of mine for a long time now, to visit Australia Zoo. Maybe one day, I hope.
It is an oasis for animal Peta. Thankyou for telling it how it is. And I do think Bindi will be amazing. He truely was a wildlife warrior.
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Yeah I didn't want to go into the whole thing because I knew I would be crying. I've watched him on TV ever since I was like 4 - and you know what that might have been the very thing that fueled my passion for animals. I loved seeing him doing things in the wild but I loved even more seeing him in the episodes at his zoo. I'll never forget logging on to yahoo to check my email and seeing the horrible news I was sooo depressed I couldn't watch anything about it on TV because I didn't think anything would do him justice. I'm thinking about naming my quaker Sydny (correct my spelling) in honor of Australia and Steve.
Kelli, that is a wonderful idea. How nice would that be, the person who got you interested in animals to have one of your very own named after such a wonderful and compassionate man.:07:

The name is a wonderful one. Believe me I still get emotional when I think of him being taken at such a young age. He will live on in our hearts forever and nothing can take that from us.
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here is the pic without me how sad LOL

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