I'm scared


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Aug 12, 2017
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Hey there, I got an Australian ringneck outiside in the cage but that is not so important. Yesterday evening I went check him and give him some Green food from hand which was not poisonous, he take food but not eat it. At the moment i was scared but i was hoping that thing get better next day, but it did not work out, now he has closed eyes, leaning head and has a watery dirt. I dont now what to do, i should go to vet?
You are just going to do the best you can probably using a towel or similar. Have you someone to help? He needs to see a CAV and soon please?
yes he needs a vet 2 weeks ago! You're just gonna have to either towel or straight up grab him. He is currently on Death's door and needs help
I went couple days ago to vet, he stayed there to observation, but the doctor call me today he didint make it... Rest in piece. You will not be forgotten.
I am so sorry. Did the vet say why he didn't make it?

Fly free little one.
So sorry to hear this. Unfortunately they do turn so fast that by the time it's obvious it can be extremely hard for them to recover. You did what you thought was right, you got him to the doctor and there was nothing more you could do for him
I am sorry that your ringneck passed away. Parrots are delicate creatures and try not to show sickness, until it is too late sometimes. My condolences.
Thanks to all. We made him little grave in garden. Hope he is in better place now without suffering.
I'm sure he is flying free and having a great time. Sorry you are sad.

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