Im neeeew :)


New member
Dec 15, 2012
Auckland, New Zealand
Hi guys, My name is Jessica. :cool: I am the owner of two beautiful but naughty little lovebirds called Monty and Chucka. Chucka is a peachfaced lovebird and Monty is a sea green. These are the first two birds I have owned. I have had them for over a year now. I look forward to finding out more about caring for my birds and safety and hope that I can be able to help other members on here too :) Thanks
Welcome (I'm a Jessica too!) They sound super adorable, any pictures? :D

This forum is full of awesome, helpful folks. :) Make yourself at home.
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Yay another Jessss!! :D This sight is definitely awesome :) I put a few pics up in my profile. For some reason I couldn't upload anything to the members gallery yet, still trying to figure it out lol :)
Welcome to the forum, lots of lovie owners out there:)

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