I'm bringing Tiki home!


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Senegal: Oliver ~~
Yellow-Sided GCC's: Bella and Zora ~~
R.I.P Tweeters the Cockatiel<3
I'm so happy. :) For those who don't kow, I saw an ad for a sweet 2 y/o male senegal named Tiki near me. They were moving cross countries and had to rehome. ;( I called the owner, he said no one had called that felt good to take care of Tiki. So here I am! He said I could pick up the little guy on Friday! I met with Tiki earlier, and that convinced me to take him. :) I'm so excited! I have a cage, research, and everything, food, etc. I'll post pics of him in his new home on Friday or Saturday. Senegals seem good for me, so I'm glad for the new addition. :)
yaaay! he's going to great home :) i cant imagine how excited you are, it sounds like you found a real gem! pics please and good luck :D
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You bet I'll take pics! Just as soon as I get him, lol. ;)
Congratulations! That is wonderful news! Please keep us posted :)

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Ok, I just got home! Turns out, Tiki wasnt the one they were selling. (What?!) The one I met was actualy No-Name. Tiki is actually getting seriously attatched to the man's wife and will bite/nip other people. They had an un-DNA'd senegal who was better with other people. I got a discount since No Name was not DNA'd and not clipped or nail trimmed, etc. I ended up naming her Olive. I'm 90% sure she's female, and if not, Olive is turning into an Olly or Oliver. :) She's very nice, but will bite if you bug her and such. I need to get her clipped since she's already dive-bombing the house and such, she landed on my chandelier and would not come down. Took about an hour. She's imitating a smoke alarm and kissies. Just an update.
that's a surprise! It must have been meant to be! Olive sounds like a wonderful bird, who with time, will turn out to be just as good, if not better, than Tiki :)

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