Identifying baby parrot


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May 27, 2017
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I found a baby parrot this morning, but I don't know what species, or what he eats... We tried feeding him some seeds and watermelon, and he ate a little bit of both... If anyone recognizes the species or how old he is, that would be really helpful!




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My biggest guess on the photos not showing is your account may be set to private!
It's not set to private, I checked... thanks anyway
Well there are photos of the parrots showing up! An it like a green Parrot to me! :D Bill is the wrong shape for an Amazon, so beyond that I would be guessing. So, based on that disclaimer it looks like one of those Conures.
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Just a guess, but it looks like an Indian ringneck to me

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Looks like baby ringneck parrots to me. Would help to know what part of the world you live in to help identify the kind of native parrot you are likely to encounter there:)
Yeah, the little guy's either an Alexandrine or a rose-ringed parakeet...probably. Man, I couldn't find any hand rearing recipes! Anyways, I'd get him some organic barley, buckwheat, oats, brown rice, and quinoa, put some in a pot after thoroughly rinsing the grains, and then add some water to cook it. You want them to become soft. Before feeding it to the little guy, I'd make sure it's cool enough to put against your eyelid. You want the food to be warm, but the mouths of birds burn very easily.

I'd also buy him organic baby food (the ones with different fruits and veggies—no added salt, sugar, or preservatives!). I'd also buy some organic peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, Swiss chard, etc. (make sure to check online to see if the veggies you buy are safe for parrots). I'd wash the veggies with soap and water, thoroughly rinse them, steam them, let them cool, then cut them into little pieces for him. I'd also buy him Totally Organic Pellets and Goldenfeast's Golden'obles II. I'd probably just buy those online.

Is it fair to assume you'll be keeping him? In the wild, he'd probably (maybe?) be with his parents still. His feathers have come in nicely, so at least you're not dealing with an exceptionally young individual. He'll probably be learning to fly soon, so you'll have to practice flying with him (indoors!). You'll also have to show him how to eat different foods, and how to play with toys and stuff.
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Yes, I will be keeping him, thank you very much!!!
Do you have experience caring for birds? I'm not saying you shouldn't keep him/her. If you don't have much experience with parrots (or birds in general), it can be a bit of a learning curve, but it's well worth it. I'm glad you found the little guy, as he/she probably wouldn't have been able to make it on their own. I definitely encourage you to keep posting on the forum :). I know for myself, at least, that it's concerning when someone posts on the forum, then never returns. Like, on one parrot forum, someone from Japan posted that their budgie broke their leg, and that he didn't know what to do because there weren't any avian vets around. We were all concerned, so we all gave him advice, asked him for some updates, but he never posted again. We have no idea what happened to his budgie, which made me feel a bit sick.

What country do you live in? Just curious, as you'll have different resources available for taking care of birds, depending on where you live. If you live in India, you're basically out of luck. The UK is really into parrots and has tons of wonderful supplies. America is the next best country when it comes to finding avian vets, food, toys, etc. Here in Canada, we unfortunately have to buy everything online. The west coast isn't bad when it comes to parrot supplies and avian vets, but Ontario kind of sucks (you don't want to know what I spend on shipping for my guys' supplies!).
Hey, I personally don't have a lot of experience, but my family does and will help me (There were birds in the house when I grew up, I just wasn't the one caring for them). I live in Israel, and we have supplies for birds and some avian vets - and I will take him/her to one after the weekend, I mainly needed help to know what to feed him until then. I'll update what the vet says after I'll go!
Thank goodness you don't live in India! No offense to India, but it doesn't really have a whole lot of vets there. Mainly just veterinarians from overseas volunteering.

Other foods you can give him in addition to what I've already mentioned, would be cooked lentils, mung beans, and garbanzo beans, with some grains and chopped veggies mixed in. Since he's young, he'll probably be more willing to eat if you give him soft, warm foods.

When feeding him, he'd probably like it if you fed him with your fingers or a spoon. You'll probably want to make sure his foods are fairly moist, as he might be used to getting most of his fluids from soft foods.

I'd definitely try him with cooked sweet potato (mashed), unsweetened apple sauce, mashed peas, and couscous. They should be easy on his tummy, and they'd probably be similar to what he was eating before.
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That's for sure a green indian ringneck, I would guess age is between 2-4 months based on his eyes/size.
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Thanks everyone, after consulting a vet, it seems a 2 month old parrot from the Psittacula family. He said the parrot is eating well, thanks to everyone's advice.

Thank you everyone!:green1::green2:

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