Identifying a lost Indian Ringneck


New member
Feb 24, 2014
Hi, sorry to jump straight into starting a thread but I've got a really time sensitive question that I'd love your opinions on.

6 weeks ago our 5 year old Indian Ringneck, Comet, escaped.

We put up flyers and online ads and have went to look at a few found Ringnecks but they were all clearly not him. Until today.

A lady found a ringneck about 10 kilometres away so we went and visited them. He looked exactly like Comet but he made a different sounding call and was absolutely petrified of me.

He warmed to my partner and sat on her but would not go near me. Comet used to let me pat him and rub his belly.

We also took his favourite toys that he always actively reacted to (by dancing and singing) but again, no response.

Disappointed, we headed home.

Later that night my partner was talking to another bird owner who had found her bird after two months. She said that he had changed considerably and was very scared of her at first, and that it's taken almost a year for him to get his old mannerisms back.

So now we're doubting our initial assessment.

We'd never forgive ourselves if it was him and he had simply changed in personality due to his time on the outside.

Has anyone had a similar experience in recovering a lost bird weeks after their disappearance, and were they different when you found them?

Thanks very much!
I have thankfully never lost a bird. But I do know every bird I've ever been around has noticeable changes in their behavior for a while after we come back from vacations. Even though they never left home, were well cared for and thats just after a couple days to a week away. I would imagine a parrot who's suffered the trauma of being loose outside, away from all things familiar, would have a pretty profound change, even if it was temporarily until the resettled in.

Because you can't ever really prove the found bird was yours, it may not be a bad idea to reach out to the folks who found him and simply put the idea in their head that even if he wasn't yours to start with, you would be happy to have him if they aren't wanting to care for a bird long-term. Best of luck, it's always difficult to loose a pet.
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Thanks so much for your replies.

NiRD, no he wasn't banded. I feel so bad because I'd been researching it for the weeks before but didn't end up doing it :(

Kiwibird, we just miss our bird so much that we really don't want another one to replace him. The person who found him is holding him for another day or two so we'll have to make the call then whether to take him in or not.

In my heart I don't think he's our bird, but if we take him home I doubt we'd be able to give him away and I'm not sure if that's really what we want.

If anyone else has experience in recovering a lost parrot please share your story!

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