Identify this bird :)


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Hi, parrot lovers.

I was at our local shop looking for a new bird. Found this bird and the shop called it a baby Macaw (midget macaw). I tried to wikepedia or google this bird to figure out what is called with no luck.

Can you please let me know what you know about this bird, characteristics and what not.

Here are the pictures:

LOL! That's a patagonian conure!

They are related to macaws, but are classified as conures, even being one of the largest conure species, larger than a few of the mini macaws!
Monica's right, it is a patty.....they're also referred to as burrowing parrots because they will dig their nests into the side of riverbank cliffs, up to 3 feet deep, then expand it so that both adults and their growing/grown nestlings will have plenty of room to move around, sort of like an apartment room.....they are fun birds, can be noisy and loud.....they can learn to talk.....although I never taught her free flight, mine likes to fly off of my shoulder, circle a few times and return to my shoulder.....
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Thanks for the replies. Great help.
When I google the name the birds are quite colorful. Does this mean it will develop more colors besides the olive green or is this gender specific ?
Can you tell the age roughly by looking at the photo?

Thanks again guys.
Can't really tell age other than adult. Most parrots the sexes appear similar, so color is not based on sex.

You just might have the Andean subspecies of Patagonian conure... these birds tend to be darker in plumage than the other two patagonian subspecies. Although, granted, I also see white patches on the sides of the breast.

Lexicon of Parrots
Like Monica said, there's no way to determine the bird's age, but I might think it was a lesser Patagonian as the neck ring is not as pronounced as that on a greater patty.....

While young pattys have greyer eyerings, this bird's has turned white, however its feet are still pink.....older birds feet will darken or even take on a greyish color.....
Wow! I don't know anything about patties but I know that's not a mini Mac!! Lol mini Macs have long tail feathers and beaks like a Mac- they literally look like miniature macaws!

Did you tell the store the bird's true identity? Are they gonna change the sign or whatever?
Like already stated by Monica and Weco that is a Patagonian conure. When you see a mini macaw you would know since they look like miniature macaws and have the black tongue. Thank you for sharing the pictures. It is rare for me to see pics of Patagonian conures and I never seen one in real life. Conures are considered to be related to macaws but are not exactly the same.
I too would love to hear more about the Patagonian My breeder is going to have some soon. I saw a couple in person and they were so big! I was shocked that they were conures. Really cool looking birds. When you say loud, how loud? Like sun conure loud, amazon, macaw LOL?

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