Idea for filling bottom area of a tall cage


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
I just saw Griffin (he's in Raven's cage) playing with a toy that I created to fill the empty space on the bottom half of the cage. He loves to hang upside down on it too, but couldn't get a pic of that.

I actually did this a couple years ago... I thought I'd share the idea, since most cages meant for parrots are taller than they are wide. This usually leaves an empty area below the main perch.

Very simple, I hung from the top of the cage some plastic chain. You can put several strands of chain, or add on shorter pieces of chain to the main piece, and hang toys off of these shorter pieces. The one I have in the cage currently, I only have toys attached at the bottom. You can attach any toy(s) you'd like. You can see I have a piñata, and a heavy duty plastic ball with a bell in it. I plan to make one for Griffin's own cage, one with toys down the entire length of it.

Another idea to fill empty space is to put a large box filled with foot toys on the bottom grate :D. They love that too.

Then Raven interrupted Griffin, said "vegetable" and started 'feeding' his little friend pellets :(
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Nice idea, Julie! Three of my birds play in the lower half of their cages. I don't think Piper, Harry or Twinkle's feet have ever touched the floors of their cages.
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Nice idea, Julie! Three of my birds play in the lower half of their cages. I don't think Piper, Harry or Twinkle's feet have ever touched the floors of their cages.

All my birds besides Twigs will play at the bottom. I give everyone the opportunity to use the bottom.

Maybe non-English budgies like Twigs, and your Piper and Twinkle don't typically use the bottom? I think they feel vulnerable down there. I think most parrot species will use it if given the opportunity and shown that there are fun things down there.
I have a ladder that goes down to the bottom of the cage and Dexter plays down there often. I have toys hanging from the sides down low, but I've found if I leave his foot toys down on the grate, he invariably poops on them. I put them in a box in a corner that he doesn't normally poop near, but he takes the toys out, leaves them out and then poops on them. So, we keep foot toys for out of cage play. I like the idea of the long chains, I might try that when I do my next remodel.

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