I'd Like To Order One Picky Budgy, Please!


New member
Jan 7, 2018
West Virginia
- Cooks the Sassy, Mottled Budgerigar
- Butch the Old, Crotchety Cockatiel
- Malibu the Goffin Cockatoo
My budgie Cooks has given me no end in sight to his picky nature. :p

For a few days my budgie stopped eating almost entirely. At first, I was naturally concerned - illness, crop impaction, stress, upset digestion... Even if he showed no other signs of an illness, I scheduled a vet visit immediately. They turned up nothing, not a single thing seemed wrong physically. But... he still barely ate from his dish. Yet he ate just peachy out of my hand. Nothing about his diet changed, the environment and people didn't change, his food wasn't bad, he just... decided to stop eating.

On a whim, I moved his food bowl higher to keep a closer eye on when and how much he was eating(my cage places the dishes low to the bed of the cage so I had to DIY a way to move it higher). He hogged his food down like a hungry wolf. Now he's eating just fine. I guess he just suddenly decided, after three years with his food bowl just fine near the base of the cage, he wanted it higher.

What a picky boy. :rolleyes:

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