I'd like to introduce my zoo :)


New member
May 18, 2011
1 sun conure
1 parakeet
My sun conure and parakeet are actually newer members of my household. We have plenty of others that we call family that I'd like to list here! If any of you would like to see pictures I will gladly post them. Otherwise I'll come back later and post a few anyway :)

My husband and I have:

1 bengal cat, Bailey. he is 22 pounds of muscle and was a rescue from a breeder that couldt sell him because he wasn't show quality

1 tabby cat, Maison that was dropped off at a pet store and I took in after someone else took him and didnt want him, so as far as I know I'm his third home, but I will also be his last :)

2 sulcata tortoises, Simon and Roxy. Both were rescues, one was dropped off at a pet store and was being kept on pine bedding which he was eating and is also toxic to ingest. The other was given to a guy by his aunt when she didnt want her anymore and the guy had no idea how to care for her nor did he want her either

1 redfoot tortoise, Rose. She was actually bought at a pet store. She had shell damage on her back and belly from most likely a dog attack.

2 guinea pigs, Rupert and Guinness. These boys are brothers and are 2 1/2 years old now.

1 iguana, Zeke. I got Zeke at a pet store about 4 years ago. He has had all types of issues from skin fungus to internal parasites, and with vet care he is now healthy and happy

13 ball pythons. Alrright, I'm a names person so yes all of these snakes have names! haha They are, Mango, Reis, Monte, Rogue, Rayn, Deacon, Hunteyr, Morris, Majesza, Odessa, Dee, Dacoda, and Neumann. They range from 15 years old down to 1 year and range in all different colors and patterns. We breed them and have 2 clutches incubating right now with 13 snakes total.

1 redtail boa, Vega. She is only about a year old but will get very big someday which we cant wait for.

hermit crabs. I keep 2 species of hermit crabs of all different sizes. They are one of those pets that most people have no idea how to properly keep so they assume they only live a year but in reality they can live 30+ years.

1 toy fox terrier, Abby. She is my baby <3 She is 11 years old now and still going strong!

6 fish tanks ranging from 180 gallons down to 2.5 gallons. We keep various species of freshwater fish if all different sizes. We have some pretty rare ones as well. our 2.5 gallon is a pico reef tank full of beautiful corals.

I don't think I am forgetting anyone! I will post some pictures later!
Wow huge list! I love to see some pictures of your ball pythons! I was so tempted to buy a ball python a month ago but due to a move it was impossible to transport the monster! lol
Welcome Hoarder! LOL! Totally joking, because that would mean I am the pot calling the kettle black. :) I think you will fing you like it here at the parrot forum. Lots of good people, with a wealth of information.
You have quite the zoo! :) I have two toy fox terriers, little old girls who got to retire with us from having been show/breeding dogs at their previous owner.
oooh animal lover!! :) Welcome! I have 2 beardies and have had nearly every critter under the... virginia sun haha except a bear....
yep that is a zoo alright.....
I bet each and everyone brings joy to your life....
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Thank you all! I wouldn't have my life any other way :) The big difference between me and a hoarder is the fact that I know what I can handle and give each and every animal special care and one on one time. I think I also forgot to mention I have female rats, Lola, Rowan, and Isabella, and 2 male rats, Berkeley and Rudy. Unfortunately they are breeders for snake food, but I do try and adopt the babies out to pet homes as much as possible.

Anyway, They are all a handful. Luckily, I am a full time student without a job so I am home in and out throughout the day. I also have a very devoted husband who is just as much an animal lover as I am. He cares for the snakes and fish tanks and I care for the rest of the zoo.

I am currently in contact with a few places that are interested in me coming in (mostly schools) with some animals to show the kids and do an educational seminar. I am also trying to work with some local bird rescues to help them with care and also their educational seminars for the birds which would be awesome!

Anyway, here are a few quick pics of some of my babies. Each and every animal is a family member to me <3







The last picture is of one of the ball python eggs being candled. That was from a week or so ago. Now you can actually see the snakes pattern inside as well as his head and eyes. Its really neat. the first clutch is due to hatch June 4. I'll share more pictures of the zoo at a later date.
WoW!!!!!! You really have a zoo there. I got rid of my saltwater tanks so I can have more time with the birds. Plus I do gardening and raise 20 something varieties of African Violets. Along with 3 dogs, 2 Huskies Alexis & Rocco 1 Chihuahua Bucky, 2 cats Fiyero & Pearl, just one 75g freshwater tank, and the birds are listed by my name...lol
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Thanks, That was Jax's (the sun conure) first day outside ever. He wasn't quite sure about the grass so I set him on top of Rose who was busy eating the grass.

Here are just a few more photos of my babies!










They're sooooo cute, except the snakes....lol....We're not fan of snakes here....We're both terrified of snakes!!!!
Snakes are amazing pets! lol though I don't think my bird will feel the same!

Trey-c says she likes snakes too!
Wow! your babies are beautiful!!! thanks for all the pics!!
A 180 gallon!? Wow! I have a 5 and 10 gallon and a hermit crab in a 4 gallon :) And some more pets I will post in another thread :)
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A 180 gallon!? Wow! I have a 5 and 10 gallon and a hermit crab in a 4 gallon :) And some more pets I will post in another thread :)

yep, and the fish are outgrowing it fast so we are looking to upgrade to a 375 within the next year. we have:

(1) 180 gallon with mostly primative and predatory fish
(3) 75 gallons, 1 for goldfish, 1 mostly south american, and 1 with our big Dovii who cannot be housed with other fish
(1) 20 gallon shrimp tank
(1) 2.5 gallon pico reef tank

and our hermit crabs are in a 29 gallon. Out of all of our pets, we've had fish the longest
very nice. I like your zoo. and I especially like the sun conure on the turtles back. That's a whoot.
Oh goodness! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! for NOT making me feel all alone here!

I can't tell my family and many of my non understanding friends anymore, if/when we get any new pet because they all groan and think I'm absolutely crazy. :( But they just don't understand the pure joy our family get's from all our precious pets. And they are all extremely well cared for, I could certainly understand their concern if they were ratty looking...but jeesh!

Anyway our birds are also our newest addition.

1 Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure - Franklin
2 Cockatiels, a pied and a lutino - Chicken Little and Chiquita
5 dogs - Hannah, Zoey, Cedar, Dolly and Snickers
4 Horses - Nakiska, Cinnamon, Punkin and Patches
2 Cats - Mischief and Kiwi
4 Gold fish, un named

I have 3 albums made in my profile page to see pictures of most of what we have, I just didn't upload the dogs yet. They'll get their own album too! :D

That's not to mention the fact that I'm an active birder and feed the wild birds too...there's TONS of them, I go through 80 lbs of wild bird seed per month and 30 lbs of sugar each hummingbird season.

Not sure if I should be proud or embarassed...I'll be uploading a birding 101 album of all the seasonal wild birds who visit my yard...because one of my other hobbies is photography :)

Anyway, nice to "meet" you and your pets.

Take care,

Oh! Is that an arowana in the last photo? He is gorgeous! (And a giant gourami? Below him to the back? I can't really see.) That's something I would love to have one day!

You have quite the zoo! I'm glad though, they all seem to have a great life with you!

I love the photos of your tortoises by the way, and your cats in the snow. You've got some nice photos for sure!

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