I was sleeping so good then...


New member
Mar 27, 2014
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Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
This morning I woke up because Lola was barking but it sounded like she was outside. My first thought was she had been outside all night so I open the backdoor. No Lola outside. I call her name and runs out from my room. OK. Go back to bed. A few minutes later Lola is barking again. It wasn't Lola it was Buzz, lol! He's got her bark down to a science lol!

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That's hilarious!

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This morning I woke up because Lola was barking but it sounded like she was outside. My first thought was she had been outside all night so I open the backdoor. No Lola outside. I call her name and runs out from my room. OK. Go back to bed. A few minutes later Lola is barking again. It wasn't Lola it was Buzz, lol! He's got her bark down to a science lol!

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When I first got Smokey, my mom <r.i.p. mom> would tell me " there is something wrong with Smokey..she's sick...she's coughing" So I'd go see and listen..sure enough she was coughing..LIKE MOM! :eek:

Oh my, that's my worst nightmare is my birds picking up the dogs bark. I get enough barking from them. Tesla our Macaw is our guard bird, he let's us know when someone pulls in the driveway by yelling "car!" That was the first word he learned. He yells car, then the dogs start barking. Luckily he only yells it when they pull in the driveway, although he watches them drive up and down the road.
Not too long ago I spent 30 minutes looking for the cat in the house (since we don't have a cat, any intruders need to be evicted), only to realize in was me Senegal meowing.
Perjo doesn't talk yet, but I can tell she's saying some of these things in her own way. I think she knows when I pull in the driveway b/c when I open the door she is making a clicking sound that she reserves for when she is really happy and greeting me early morning or right before bed. I think she's using it as hello when I walk in the door.

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