I want a playmate ( different species )for my caique

Hey there

Wrong approach. The decision to get a bird should be because YOUR want a bird, not because you THINK your bird wants a companion. There’s no guarantee they will get along - in many instances they will try to harm each other.

You say you now this, but your question amounts to you ignoring this wisdom and asking the forbidden question anyways. You KNOW the answer, so you’re also aware the question is moot.
Agreed with the advice above. A lot of people [not saying you are one of them] seem to think that if they can't spend enough time with their bird, that they should get another to be its "friend" while they are at work for long hours etc. Unfortunately, if you feel like you are pinched for time now, if you get a 2nd, you could end up with 2 birds who have to be kept apart (due to aggression, or mating etc) and then you are looking at double the time commitment that it was to care for the first bird (because it is not uncommon for 2 different birds to require totally separate time out of their cages). I'm not saying it never works, but there is no way of knowing if they will get along and even then, getting along too well is another consideration.
Agreed with the advice above. A lot of people [not saying you are one of them] seem to think that if they can't spend enough time with their bird, that they should get another to be its "friend" while they are at work for long hours etc. Unfortunately, if you feel like you are pinched for time now, if you get a 2nd, you could end up with 2 birds who have to be kept apart (due to aggression, or mating etc) and then you are looking at double the time commitment that it was to care for the first bird (because it is not uncommon for 2 different birds to require totally separate time out of their cages). I'm not saying it never works, but there is no way of knowing if they will get along and even then, getting along too well is another consideration.

Thanks, Noodles. Definitely makes sense.

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