i think Ticka is sick?


New member
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Male Eclectus- Oscar and Female Eclectus- Scarlet
So Ticka my 1yr old cockatiel is normally extremly active and playful, but lastnight we noticed he was sitting on the bottom of his cage. sometimes he will walk aroun the bottom but he will never just sit there. as soon as i went over.to his cage he came back to normal for the rest of the night. right now, his doing it again, byt his asleep. he only ever sleeps on his top perch. am i over reacting or should i take a trip to the vets? he looks visibly healthy, hasnt lost or gained any weight and his eating and drinking. i havnt changed his diet although the only things he will eat is apple and seeds; beleive me i have tried him with pellets and heaps of fruits n veggies, but he wont touch it. could this have something to do with it? me and Dean are really worried :( if his not better in the morning vets will be a peiority.
thanks in advanced! :white1:
Aww I'm sorry he's sick, I hope he feels better soon!

It could be an illness or an injury. I would deftinetley take him to the vet to find out, better to be safe than sorry. Birds hide their illnesses and injuries extremely well so when you do notice something it means that they are sick enough, or hurt enough, to not be able to hide it which means it is time to see a vet.
its 7pm here, i dont think any vets are open now, except maybe the emergency 24/7 one which is a few hours. and im not sure they will class this as an emergency, expecially when i take him there and i bet he will dance and sing and tell the vet he loves im. im sure he would look real sick lol.
i know there is something wrong though, so first thing in the morning ill be taking him. poor little guy, hope its nothing bad :(
As long as it doesn't get worse tonight he should be fine till morning.
Keep us updated.
i had a budgie at the start of the year and had had him for 6 monthas. One night i went into where i lept him and he was on the bottom of the cage. Maybe you should check to see if anything has happened with his leg, because my budgie, im pretty sure, broke his leg. He stayed at the bottom of the cage for about 3 days I think but he died. I would definately get him checked out if I were you.
i got him checked out and his fine :)
thats good to hear! :)
Glad to hear your bird is okay...
What did the vet have to say, any reasons for his strange behaviour?


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