I think this is happy cuddling


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Maine, US
Maverick (GCC)
Last night my boyfriend came home from work and let Maverick on the bed with him. After a few minutes of negotiating, Mave got right up next to him and just cuddled until he fell asleep. I hope this is a GOOD behavior. For a store bought bird and only his 2nd full day with us I thought it was good!

He stayed like this for as long as we would let him. He actually got a tad feisty when we went to move him haha.
YES!!! That is the sign, at least in our house, of a very contented baby. They aren't going to fall asleep on/next to someone if they aren't comfortable.
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Thanks. My boyfriend was so touched that Mave accepted him like that. :D The whole moment was sweet. My boyfriend has never been around birds in his life, let alone had one cuddle up to him like that. It was adorable. I would have snapped pictures forever if Mave didn't give me that look like "Hey, I'm trying to sleep here". Needless to say, great start in his new home. :)
That is one happy birdie! (And an unbelievably cute picture.)
Aww..very cute. My Chloe would fall asleep on my chest when we watched TV. Glad your new baby feels at home.
What a sweet picture. Mave looks very safe and content, happy guy for sure. My newest addition, Sassy (goffin's 'too), loves to nestle under my husbands chin and take a nap. It makes my heart happy when I see this!
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What a sweet picture. Mave looks very safe and content, happy guy for sure. My newest addition, Sassy (goffin's 'too), loves to nestle under my husbands chin and take a nap. It makes my heart happy when I see this!

I think I may have said this already, but I really love seeing how comfortable Mave is with my boyfriend. I wasn't sure how they would react to each other (him never having held a bird and Mave being a pet store bird), but so far I would say they are two peas in a pod. It's pretty great :D.

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