I think I know why Kyo bites


New member
Mar 18, 2015
Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
Has anyone ever experienced their bird maybe thinking that biting you was "preening" and trying to get rid of that horrible fleshy problem covering your feathers? I'm starting to wonder if that may be why Kyo bites my hands.

Today she nipped me when I allowed her on my hand (I have her stick trained now) but immediately flipped onto her back and asked for snuggles. I waited a few seconds, and she stopped biting so I started the cuddle session. She didn't bite again until she went back to standing on my hand (thankfully not as hard as she had been biting before).

Any other insight?
Sheldon can get a bit rough when he wants his head scratched. I think thats the way he communicates. But I cant always respond when he does that. It's like I'm encouraging the biting hard behavior
I've gotten to the point where Genevieve only bites me when she's playing, needs to go to the bathroom (she hasn't pooped on me in months!), or is just angry at me for breathing incorrectly.
She gently nibbles on me when she's trying to preen me. Sometimes she get's upset that I don't have beautiful plumage on my face and will chomp down. She loves my boyfriend's face, as he has a fun beard to preen.

Biting seems to be her default way to communicate to me that she wants something. She's getting better at telling me in other ways, but it takes a lot of work.
Mine sometimes bites when I allow him to preen me. Especially anything that is NOT flesh colored like eyebrows and moles and such. Have you started pressure training her?
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I've been trying to pressure train, but I'm not really sure if I'm doing it right. She is doing much better about biting the past few days though :)

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