New member
Hi im new to this! my first thread! The reason i joined up is as im really worried about my kaks. I have a yellow female called Sunny and a green male named Boss. We bought Sunny in early March and then bought Boss a month later, it took them a while to get on, as Boss being bossy, he took over and let sunny know who the dominant one was, even though it was her home first! But then they started to get really close, Boss would regurgitate for Sunny at least 10 times a day, every day. Then they started mating at least 4 times a day! But Boss would still pick on her sometimes. Sunny then decided to start plucking. She plucked herself that much she found it hard to fly. We bought some medicine and she eventually stopped. They carried on in love for a while until the other day, sunny started avoiding Boss, everytime he went near her she would bite himor fly off (which she has never done before) she wont let him regurgitate for her anymore, they have stopped having sex. But i think its really affecting Boss, he has changed so much. He used to be so happy,chirpy, loud and bossy and these past few days he just been sleeping LOADS, his feathers are constantly fluffed up, his eyes look sad, he keeps hiding in his long cardboard tubes attached to the ceiling, he stays in there for hours at a time, its just not like him at all?? Any ideas on why sunny has decided to all of a sudden reject Boss? And does anybody know what could be wrong with Boss? Its almost like hes suffering a broken heart. Please help thankyou