I never knew how wonderful a parrot could be....


New member
May 22, 2011
Lehigh Acres, FL
1 Senegal Parrot (Cassie) and 4 Parkeets (Tia, Fidget, Tibbin, and Skyler)
A few months ago I brought home a young Senegal parrot. She's about 9 months old now. I remember being soooooo worried if she would bond with me, if she would eat the right things..... I had so many questions. I named her Cassie and over a short while she and I bonded pretty close.

She always seems to be extra cuddly when I really need her. I love that about her. I call her "my angel" all the time. She loves laying her beak next to my nose or against my cheek. She closes her eyes and wants to be petted. When she is by my computer she'll nudge my fingers with her head to get petted. She'll turn her head every way possible so I get 'every' spot. And at night she is most content falling asleep on my shoulder before I put her away for the night. It's the only time I hear her clicking her beak.

I work from home so I'm lucky that I get to be with her often. I run a home preschool. Besides being so lovable I also noticed how much more she trusts me lately. I can now lay her on her back in the palm of my hand with ease. We're working on the "play dead" trick. It's only been a week since she decided to let of of my fingers and wait to be turned upright again. It seems to more we practice the better she gets at it. She's even started letting me pet her head while she's laying in my hand. She also loves it when I walk around the big fleamarket with her. I noticed that she's more comfortable to strangers she meets. Getting used to kids is a different story. I think she'll get used to kids at her own pace but we are making progress.

Oh, and there is one HUGE trust thing we've been working on for a long time and I think this week we finally made some progress. She has been very fearful of being put on the floor. Well, the other day I was sitting on the floor with her on my shoulder. She's okay with that. I was cutting out a sewing pattern and she spotted the paper. She 'loves' paper. She must have been watching me toss the scraps on the floor. She climbed down to the floor and starting chewing the paper but the funny part was, I think after she realized she was on the floor, she squaked and came running back to me. lol. I put her back on the floor and petted her and gave her a treat. She still only stayed there a short moment though.

As for talking, she is certainly trying. She is not very clear with her words yet but definitely says "I love you." Last week she emphasized "you" all by herself to get my attention. She said, "I love youuuuuuuu!". lol. I was stunned and of course had to come running to her. I've been trying to teach her that talking will get her more attention then screeching. I think she is also trying to say other things but I cant quite make it out yet. I thought I heard "wow" the other day but haven't heard it since. She also mimics a Lorikeet, and makes kissing sounds.

She is still a baby and I very much look forward to teaching her many things when she's ready and spending all the time I can with her. Before I got Cassie I never knew how loving and wonderful a parrot could be. I'm so thankful for her.

Here are some recent pictures of her.

--- Kimberley (South Florida)
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hee heee love them on there backs they always look so *ohhhhh

as for the floor, she'll be scurrying about on it soon, nuts not over keen on the floor, but is more then happy to fly down, scurry across it for lego bits etc oh an spiders!!! (and toes!)

but i can't leave nut out with kids as she tends to nip there faces
I totally agree I wish we had got one 20 years ago...

I was put off because my mum is so phobic and I guess that rubbed off on me a bit but I just love Basil he is better than telly any day of the week..:)
So nice to hear a happy story :) It warms my heart.
what a great story and such a cutie!

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