This is gonna be a longer post. I have a QP his name is Tony, I rescued him from Craigslist, he was in a travel cage with only dowels, a swing he couldn't fit on and a fabric toy he couldn't destroy, eating 80-90% Roudybush pellets, sometimes he was given apple, almonds, cornflakes, and cashews. I got him when he was 2 and a half yrs. so I've had him 8 months now, I got him a bigger cage when I first got him but not as big as the one he's in now which is 32 x 21 x 63. He has 11 toys in all, a foraging wheel, drawers, and bowl, shredders like paper, seagrass and yucca. only natural perches like java, manzanita, chinese fir, rope, calcium, sand, and bottlebrush so 13 perches in all. He has a cuttlebone, stainless steel bowls and one ladder. His breakfast is chop about 1 tbsp. I put a new herb or spice on top like basil, oregano, sage, rolled oats (a few) or coconut flakes, then like an hour after he's done eating I hide on Sunny orchard nutriberry, a few safflower seeds, 2 or 3 sunflowers seeds some days in his toys. I usually train him about an hour after he's done foraging, then let him play outside of his cage. Then for dinner he gets 1/4 a tbsp. of Dr. harveys colossal cockatiel food, 1/4 a tbsp. of whatever grain or legume I cooked which could be quinoa, split peas, or lentils, then about 6 TOPs pellets, and also some birdie bread along with sprouted quinoa and lentils, some meals I give him a fresh veggie like bell pepper. After dinner I almost always bring him in the shower. I train him one more time then at 7:30 it's bedtime. Tony and my GCC get calendula tea about 3 or so times a week sometimes hibiscus tea. I don't pet him, and when I could it was only ever his head, hardly ever anymore because he almost always tries to 'mount' my hand. There's only paper in his tray, so no nesting materials, no happy hut, no dark corners, he's in a very well lit room, but for the past 2 days he's been holding his foot in his mouth and regurgitating over and over. I rearanged his whole cage yesterday but he picked a new spot to do it on a different perch so I removed that perch. I ordered some tea made for bird hormones with raspberry leaves but I'm kinda lost this just started about 2 days ago, I know how dangerous it can be for them to keep eating regurgitated food over and over. What do I need to change? I can post my current chop recipe if need be.
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