I love this bird but he has changed. Help plz


New member
Dec 13, 2012
Got a yellow collard mini for my son for his 7th bday. He had grown up with my 30 or so year old mealy that unfortunately past. I didnt really want to start again after 20 some years but my son wanted a bird. Got a unsexed yc mini macaw and he loved everyone in the house for about 6 months. Walks, bike rides, hanging out during cookouts with other ppl. Over the last 3 weeks out of no where he has been biting alot and when anyone walks by cage he will charge with mouth wide open. A week or two ago I could hold him upside down and give a belly scratch, swing him around by the beak, everything. Nothing in the house or his life has changed and all of the sudden he wants to put holes in everyone. I would like to solve this or understand but if this continues he has to go. He was amazing with my son but the last 2 times my son tried to hold him my boy got nailed hard. My son is very sad. Again I call it a he but not sure. Could this just be an adolescent stage for the bird?
Got a yellow collard mini for my son for his 7th bday. He had grown up with my 30 or so year old mealy that unfortunately past. I didnt really want to start again after 20 some years but my son wanted a bird. Got a unsexed yc mini macaw and he loved everyone in the house for about 6 months. Walks, bike rides, hanging out during cookouts with other ppl. Over the last 3 weeks out of no where he has been biting alot and when anyone walks by cage he will charge with mouth wide open. A week or two ago I could hold him upside down and give a belly scratch, swing him around by the beak, everything. Nothing in the house or his life has changed and all of the sudden he wants to put holes in everyone. I would like to solve this or understand but if this continues he has to go. He was amazing with my son but the last 2 times my son tried to hold him my boy got nailed hard. My son is very sad. Again I call it a he but not sure. Could this just be an adolescent stage for the bird?

It's possible it could be hormones, how old is the bird?
I am not so sure but if the bird is acting like that I think there might be 4 reasons;
1- Maybe the bird felt that by biting he was somehow getting more attention than by being a good bird.(You reduce the atention thanks to the bite and his birdy brain thinks " Hey I want more atention so I will bite them more")
2- The terrible 2 years have arrived
3- (1 and 2 combined)
4- You dont know but something that scared him happened and the bird lost trust

Please don't get rid of him like that!! poor baby, its not his fault he does not understand!
I have a traumatized lilac crowned amazon that used to run away from me in fear and I thought that the bird would be forever broken . But with patience and love anything can be solved. He still does not let me pet him but he is not scared from me anymore! I cheat on him when I give him treats to touch his feathers :D and he doesn't bother anymore!
That lilac was a wildcaught that had his feathers dyed and was in a parakeet cage when I rescued him. His name is Marley and here he is!
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Parrots bite for a reason. Could have been fear, perhaps just the bird testing boundaries a bit and nipping, being startled, not having warning signs listened to, etc. Biting becomes a problem when the bird learns that biting creates a desired outcome (often, getting someone to leave them alone, avoiding what they see as a threat, and so on). Additionally, if everyone now expects the bird to bite and acts nervously around him, the bird will pick up on this and react nervously back (which is often biting).

Do you recall the first time(s) the bird bit? Was there any body language to indicate a bite (flashing eyes, low posture, growling, etc)? Was the bird frightened/startled? Where was the bird? Any other details?
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