I love parrots!


New member
Oct 15, 2015
Originally from MA but now in RI
A cinnamon green cheek coinure
Hi guys, my name is Laurie (and I'm a bit rogue sometimes:D) I just moved to Rhode Island last year and i'm homesick. I spent my entire life in southeast Massachusetts. Don't know anyone here, I'm usually alone all day except for medical appts. Thank God for my parrot!! I talk to her all day, the poor thing. lol

She's a cinnamon green check conure, I've had her for 6 years now. I'm surprised she doesnt know the entire English language cuz she either hears it from me or the TV when I'm not in my room.

Anyway, I'm thinking of getting a parakeet. I already have a cage, food and toys for him. (I'd like a male) I'm just worried about my conure and how she would feel about it. She wouldnt be lonely though, right? I would keep them in their own cages and hopefully will be able to socialize them when i feel its the right time- I'll take them out and see how they interact. Hopefully they will become buddies at some point.

Does anyone have any advice for me? Going from one bird for 6 years and suddenly adding another is both exciting and scary at the same time.

thanks for reading:) This looks like a great forum. :whiteblue: <--- thats sorta the parakeet i want lol
I think the second bird would be fine . Birds like others to chit chat with :) Never had a Budgie so I cant tell you any info [but maybe others can].we love are birds too :)
A Helping Wing in NJ has a million and one budgies and cockatiels if you were interested in adopting.

I would think she would be fine with a budgie around but birds aren't exactly predictable in how they will react to each other.
Hello Laurie, Welcome to the forums!

I have two budgies, two quakers and a cockatiel who share a room. The budgies share a cage, the others have separate cages but they are out together every day. I think they enjoy each other's company.

You know if you add one more bird, you will be at risk for Multiple Bird Syndrome, MBS. I thought we should warn you. :)
Welcome to the forum. I hope you get your parakeet soon and that your conure gets on well with him. :D
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wow, what beautiful birds you all have!! I'm jealous, my dream bird is an African Grey but unfortunately, it would probably outlive me and my sons do not like birds so it would end up in a shelter should something happen to me. That's kinda why I'm planning on getting a budgie instead.

thanks for the warm welcome, i like it here already :)

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