I love Cherry


New member
Jul 10, 2011
South Sweden
Ville a double yellow head Amazon
I really love the Cherry tree all over my:p face
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eww cherry poops!!!! lol pollu even looks guilty in a very satisfied way :)
Love her, I'd be terrified if I walked in a room and saw her face covered like that though! Haha!
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Thanks all, the poo lock as usual, but it stinks or do we have a problem with the "poo pipe" lol
in the past i had an alex whos poop all of a sudden started stinking. turned out to be giardia, good to keep an eye on it and see if its still smelly after a diet change. dont want to make you paranoid though!! just made me remember my birds smelly poos!
"Please mom, dont embarass me by spitting in your hanky and wiping my face":)
So cute!

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