I know it isn't a Zon but...


New member
Jun 10, 2014
Prince George, British Columbia Canada
Blue Front Amazon
Harlequin Macaw
Green Cheek Conure
Hi there We have adopted a Harlequin Macaw, his name is Oscar and is 11 years old. We are in the process of introducing the birds to each other, however our BFA wants to be the big bird lol.



Aww cute! Oscar is very beautiful! Do you go camping with your birds? :)
Your zon seems to have allocated the playstand space fairly.

Don't start none, won't be none. I was here first, but I'll share as long as you don't start none... That itty bitty corner, where you are standing... that's yours.

The rest of this perch? MINE.

Looks like your mac is the one who's not quite sure about this one.
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Yes we cam with our birds however we picked up Oscar on this trip and thought it better that we have a bit of 1 on 1 time with him prior to introducing him to the other birds.

Yes play stand is 99% Zon and the remainder is for the macaw providing he stands on one foot!
My red lored has a playstand that is 100% hers... no other birds allowed.

Everyone else shares everything else pretty well.

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