I just heard back from miami valley rescue


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Apr 13, 2011
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They turned me down for any foster help or any kind of help . It seems that they are only working with best friends animal rescue in Utah . Now my minister also sent an email offering help as well and was also turned down and it seems as though all local help offered was turned down . Now that makes me wonder if the dire sittuation was all that dire if you know what I mean . Also why was it not on the news in this area ? usually they put stuff like that on the news ? Im getting really suspicious of things Im hearing and wondering what is true and what is not so true . I truly wonder now how dire the sittuation was ? None of us saw pictures , I hear nothing on the local news nor national news about this so called dire sittuation and am wondering how dire it really was ? Does anybody else ever feel like that when you hear stories like that ? I mean I know it was all over the bird world internet but never made it to the local news media ? I m just saying I wonder now how dire it truly was ?
i suppose checking to see if the place really exists?? i do hope they do, i think when i read the line, my paypal is.... kinda made me feel in-easy, but i am a cynic
There is a bird rescue near me, they turn down almost everyone, but state they desperate for help. They are very picky and really snobish towards people. Its quite annoying.
There is a bird rescue near me, they turn down almost everyone, but state they desperate for help. They are very picky and really snobish towards people. Its quite annoying.

And this folks is why rescues are full because instead of bending their rules they would rather turn people away . I think they need to get over theirselves and think what is best for the birds instead of what is best for their pocketbooks .
And this folks is why rescues are full because instead of bending their rules they would rather turn people away . I think they need to get over theirselves and think what is best for the birds instead of what is best for their pocketbooks

Also they need to realize you don't have to have a 4,000 square foot home to own a parrot. You don't have to be a millionare to afford the costs of one. People in apartments shouldn't be shunned. There are parrots that are good for apartment dwellers. People who are new to parrots that want to rescue one should be educated instead of instantly turned away.
I'm very skeptical of any place that accepts or openly asks for donations, epecially when it comes to pets and children. Cons usually work off of two key things, one is GREED the other is SYMPATHY.

Now, I'm not saying that this is that type of situation, but I am saying before you open your wallet, check it out thoroughly first.

I have come to realize that my area pet rescue centers aren't killing themselves to re-home their animals. I think it comes down to inventory. The more inventory they have and can show, the more donations they can muster up. I thought about adopting from a couple of them. But by the time I got through reading the adoption form and rules, I decided it was too much like giving up a kidney, which I think might be a little easier.
Some "rescues" really are not deserving of the title. I went to adopt a cat from this new cat rescue center and my best friend did too we went on the same day filled out the applications pretty much all the information was the same except I had a job so when they called us she was able to talk to them but seeing as I was at work I wasn't and keep in mind these people are ONLY open friday 11-3 and saturday and sunday 11-4 so their hours are VERY limited and when I was finally able to talk to them the entire conversation she kept commenting on how I was hard to get a hold of while I was at work. I tried explaining to her that I was at work and could not answer my phone but had called back on my breaks and she wasn't available so I was just about off work when I was on my last 10 minute break and was talking to her and it really started to make me angry because she told me I was unable to adopt from them because I was hard to get a hold of and then I was after being told that several times and trying to explain that I was at work and could not answer my cell phone, had started to sound irritated which I was. And she had the nerve to tell me that because I wasn't able to answer my phone and was starting to sound irritated that there was no way I could possibly be a responcible cat owner.
There is a bird rescue near me that is very, very picky, but they would NEVER turn someone down before they even turned in an application.
I can't seem to find a bird rescue near me which sucks because I want to volunteer at one which would benefit not only the birds there but me and Halloween as well because I could take what I learn while volunteering there and apply it here at home.

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