I just bought a bluefronted amazon 4 monts old was supposed to be hand reared but is very nervious he wount step up or let me near him help needed


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Oct 7, 2023
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I have a 4mont old blue fronted amazon
Best way to train him suggestions welcome
So your baby was just weaned? I hope. Every parrot is an individual and even tho hand reared, he may take some time to warm up to you. Not uncommon for it to take a week or 2 of every day one on one interaction for him to open up. Go at his pace!! Not the pace of your expectations, this is a marathon over many years, not a sprint of a few days or weeks.
So your baby was just weaned? I hope. Every parrot is an individual and even tho hand reared, he may take some time to warm up to you. Not uncommon for it to take a week or 2 of every day one on one interaction for him to open up. Go at his pace!! Not the pace of your expectations, this is a marathon over many years, not a sprint of a few days or weeks.
Wow! Thank you so much for your communication. I WAS NOT happy he was not getting good this out of the cage as I so want him to be happy. But you right ! I am beginning to get to know him better as of to day just small things. You have reassured me more time which I thought might be!
And, I bet you did not get a Hatch Certificate with your 4 month old BF Amazon, right!

I would quickly return to where every you purchased your Amazon from and get that document. It has been a monitory document in North America for well over five years.

You Got Photos of your BF Amazon? Please attached.

If you live anywhere near the Mexico Boarder, if you did not get, or can not get a Hatch Certificate, it is very possible you have a Black Market Parrot.

Need picture before I go any further.

In the meantime, read the two Threads at the top of the Amazon Forum, targeting the Thread: I Love Amazons - !! Sit near your Amazon and in a comfortable voice read that Thread at least twice to him. At the very least, your Amazon will become more comfortable with your voice and with hope, you will learn more about living and loving Amazons!
Yes you're right I got no certificate was told it was not nessary. I BOUGHT the bird from a breeder in Nottingham


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The bird has a ring on its leg so I have purched this bird in good fath the breeder appears to be good business!
Oh so you're in the UK! As far as I know there's no requirement to have a certificate here, and I don't have anything like that for any of my 8 birds. Before I got my first parrots from somewhere closer to me I was going to get them from this shop and it seemed like a decent place when I researched them.

I think your bird is just very nervous. Imagine he's just been taken away from the people he bonded with and thrown into a completely new place and he's only 4 months old! My hand reared cockatiel has always had a nervous disposition and she doesn't like people that much so it depends a lot on their personality as well.
The bird has a ring on its leg so I have purched this bird in good fath the breeder appears to be good business!
I wonder why your baby BFA is so scared and nervous. Hand raised baby birds are usually very tame and fearless of people. I bought a three to four month old hand raised baby Goffins cockatoo many years ago and he was completely tame from all the handling required to raise a baby bird. Same with a hand raised baby cockatiel i bought and my budgie Rocky that I hand raised is not afraid of people at all.

I went online and read some reviews about Birds 4 Homes and they have quite a few very unhappy customers. Apparently, they sell older, untamed, frightened, sometimes sick birds claiming they're hand fed babies. A hand raised baby BF is a very desireable bird and can cost several thousand US Dollars. I imagine they are pretty expensive in the UK too. How much did you pay? Was it a bargain price?

Did you take your BF to an avian vet for a new bird check up? It's very important so you can establish a heath baseline and develop a relationship with the vet in case your bird gets sick.

I hate to see people being taken advantage of and hate to see innocent birds being traumatized by unscrupulous sellers. If your new BA is NOT a hand raised baby, it can still make a good companion bird but it will take a lot more time than with a baby.
It's OK tks for all your comments. He will be OK just more time and care should eventually bring him around, and a bit of a challenge for me 😃
I have had other birds in the past so I have a good idea of how to deal wit him. Talking to him every day as I am at home every day so will spend lot of time with him to bond with me regards Rory ☺️
I sincerely hope you have zero plans to take him to Europe as that document is needed.
Have you read the I Love Amazons and Understanding Amazon Body Language at the top of the Parrot Forum?
No It's staying with me as my pet
No It's staying with me as my pet
With an Amazon parrot it’s not easy to tell just who is the pet vs owner
😆 lol

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