I joined a little while back, but only have couple post I’m from Miramar Florida I have a blue front amazon he’s 28 years old now.


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Nov 21, 2021
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Blue front
He has been very healthy all these years, thank god, his current health is also good, I just have one question, I never really found out if it a girl or boy, I named him munchy 27 years ago because he didn’t like me to much, so I just figured he was a boy, he is semi tamed you can’t pet or try to touch him but he accepts food very nicely almost saying thank you,he mumbles some words and he loves to make whistleling sounds his favorite pretty girl whistle.can I know his gender without surgery?id like to know, thank you all comments accepted.


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You can DNA sex them now it's easy and you can do from home and is cheap . You just need literally one drop of blood. You just barely tip a nail to get blood. Then I hold flour on a paper towel and pinch till stops bleeding.

I will look for the company I use and link.
Welcome back, thanks for the beautiful pics of Munchy! Determination of sex entertaining but will not likely alter your care or deep love!!
I am a strong believer in knowing the sex of your Amazon as when s/he develops an illness it takes the medical check out of play, which allows a quicker understanding of what is driving the health issues. Plus if you do it as part of your normal visit to your Avian Medical Professional and a normal full spectrum blood test. It is just one more test item.

Take the time to read both of the Threads at the top of the Amazon Forum and with that in place begin working with your Amazon. With time, your can develop a great relationship with your Amazon!
He’s 27 and has never been to a vet, when he/she was very very young I tried training but my method did not work and he/she bit me, and 26 years ago I stopped trying so ever since he/she is semi tamed he/she won’t let me touch him but he does accepts my treats and we play games follow the leader I whistle a certain way and he matches and vice versa,he/she has never been so sick as to run to a vet, yes sometimes thru years he pluckers up or I see watery stool but I take care of that with diet,wings not clipped but won’t fly, his nails stay filed on special pearches, he’s adorable looks and acts very healthy,up to now.meanwhile I’ve had pets yes more than 2 that have had strokes at the vet cause they know.so for now I hope he never gets ill, preventive maintenance,and no vet, and I watch him everyday so he has no accidents,my belief is he’s a male because he gets cocky sometimes and starts pacing like a badass, lol and he likes woman voices.

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