I have done things wrong and now have a spoiled umbrella cockatoo and have been trying to discipline her more but I think she's winning. Bella is 10 years old, have had her for 7 years now.and believed to be female( she does have black eyes and the web said she might be a he ). We have been working on her screaming issues for attention but now it's biting. She's cuddly one minute and biting me the next which has been on and off all summer long. Now she's becoming very territorial of her cage and bit me for trying to move her cage. She use to enjoy coming out of her cage to go outside but now bites me when I try to take her out of her room. I have been letting her roam free in a wooded play area but realized she had to much free time so been putting her scheduled play times. I am the only one who can hold her because she doesn't like anyone. When she bites it's aggressive and draws blood and I have been bitten so many times I am becoming weary of holding her but don't want her to know that.cant find behaviorist near by so has anyone here had these issues and what did you do? I am out of answers