My cockatoo doesn't bite me but she doesn't really seem to look forward to playing with me. I've tried reading her stories (with a drama tone)but she ignores them, I tried getting her to play with a plastic ball but all she does is examine it and then ignore it. The only thing she likes to do is shred wooden blocks and paper. And she is actually really quiet . Whenever I come in the room she comes down to greet me and all she is interested in is chewing my clothes and she nips at my skin. She lets me touch her but I've been told petting a bird is not a good idea and I'm really disheartened as to what I'm doing wrong. I've tried clicker training. She also does not like to get out of her room unless none of my family members are not there but even then she is hesitant. I'm really confused, maybe I'm not interacting with her correctly? She won't even come on my hand. While clicker training, she follows my stick but when I put it out of reach to the point she has to get on my hand, she ignores it. Are there ways to interact with her to strengthen my bond? I play with her 1.5-2 hours. This would greatly increase if she wasn't so scared to come of her room.