I have a hormonal 10 yr old umbrella cockatoo


New member
Aug 10, 2014
I have a quacker parrot, & umbrella cockatoo
Is hé thinking Im his mate. uploadfromtaptalk1436150383612.jpg
Maybe? You need to provide examples and some kind of context for people to be able to answer your questions.
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Ok. À yr ago i rescued an umbrella cockatoo, no expérience. At times i wanted to take him back but the more i read up on them. I was hooked from day one. The last several months hé gets very agressive to men who come to visit and hé takes my fingers & hold them réal tight & hé starts washing his bottom feather.
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I mean swishing & hé's got this came hé calls me. Its googoo. I love him to death. Does hé need a mate? Because hé gets angry when i try to distract him. Hé's more of à guard dog than my dog
Sounds like the beginnings of over bonding. Especially the aggressive behaviour towards others. What do you do to try and distract him? And how does he react? Do you live alone with him or are there others in the home? If there are others what do they do with the bird if anything? We need a complete idea of how your family dynamic works with concerns to the bird. For example, my Rosa is also an umbrella cockatoo. I am her main care taker. I feed and clean and spend the most time with her. She prefers my company over all others. However my husband handles her quite a bit and spends time with her too. My kids pet her and interact with her by talking to her.

My sister is nervous of birds and refuses to handle Rosa, and Rosa will take advantage of that fear and will talk excitedly to my sister, but if she gets to my sister she bites her hair and ears much harder than she would ever put her beak on any of the rest of us, so Rosa is not allowed to physically touch my sister. She knows the rules, and what's expected of her. If she insists on a visit with my sister she goes into her cage for cool down time, and doesn't get to come back out until my sister leaves.

As your bird is a male he may be more aggressive in his behaviour, but you'll need to start curbing that kind of behaviour. Others with more experience win hormonal males who react aggressively will be able to help you with ideas.

But yes, it sounds like he's seeing you as a mate. I would stop petting him on his body, keep pets to his head only, to start.
Keep the petting to a minimal at this time, some head scratches is ok, no under the wings or down the back.
I'm going through hormones with my male M2 now (he's 8), funny thing is he shows no interest in my female U2.

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