I Got A New Bird


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
I broke down and got something that I almost wanted, lol. I've seen these deco fans at a local grocery store but they are so expensive. Well between coupons, gift card and $23.00 out of my pocket I got this one, the lorikeet. I love it and it works great.

Congratulations Tracey! Super cute bird and I bet he's easy to care for! What did you name your new lorikeet?
Tracey, what a cool fan!:) No pun intended lol... I've never seen those before.
Hey! I like that! Do they have other birds as well? Where did u get that?
The perfect parrot! It even does something useful lol;)

With the weather warming up, I bet you'll appreciate that soon.
Oh that's awesome!!
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Hey! I like that! Do they have other birds as well? Where did u get that?

They are made by Deco Breeze and they have a red macaw, pelican, lorikeet and hummingbird plus a ton of different designs. I first saw them at a grocery store called HEB in Texas. They are pretty but expensive!! After someone posted one here, I thought about it. I got a Bed, Bath and Beyond gift card for Christmas and hadn't used it. I don't really shop there. Believe it or not, they sell these fans but they only had the lorikeet and it was $85 (OUCH!). I needed to replace a fan for summer so I ordered it from BBB, used the 20% off coupon, the GC, and spent $23 out of my pocket. It's larger than I expected, it's quiet and puts out air really well.

And the perfect parrot, lol. Quiet, stays put, doesn't require food, water, or love and is quiet. It would be too quiet without Buddy and Venus.
I love that! I am going to see if anyone up here carries them, thanks for sharing!!!

Edit: Just checked our Bed Bath and Beyond and all they have is one that looks like a moose..figures!lol.
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Check their website, they didn't have any at mine and I'm in the Houston area. I ordered mine from their website and had it shipped.

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