I found this warning on my local craigslist this morning !!!!


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Apr 13, 2011
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Beware of anyone trying to sell cockatoos in this area. Ask for their vet information. Sick birds were stolen. If they try to unload the bird, please be careful. You could be bringing disease into your flock at home. TALK TO THEIR VET, CHECK OUT THE SELLER, VERIFY OWNERSHIP AND WHERE THEY GOT THE BIRD.
AGAIN===be careful of avian purchases. These birds are known to have been stolen from an aviary filled with diseased birds, and they are severly sick. If you suspect that the bird you are looking at is one of them, call your local humane society. A bird can look beautiful, eat, cuddle and do normal things and STILL BE DISEASED.


Scarlet Macaw, Blue and Gold Macaw, Lesser cockatoo, umbrella cockatoo, Mouluccan cockatoo, green wing macaw, african gray, indian ring neck. If you are looking at one of these birds and are fairly sure that it may be a stolen bird--contact the Miami county humane society. .

IF YOU ARE THE PERSON WHO STOLE THESE BIRDS ( YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE)--GET THESE BIRDS HEALTHCARE IMEDIATELY. By refusing health care, you are sentencing them to a slow death and you are taking disease into every place and home who has birds. Get these birds healthcare.
Hmmm.... I wonder if someone took some of the birds from that hoarding home that someone else posted about yesterday. Which area was that hoarding, was it in Miami or Ohio, I was confused on the exact area.
Miami Valley is an area of Ohio and you know I was thinking the same thing as you are . But I know for a fact that the hoarder lives in troy ohio which is right up the road from me .
If that is the case then at least the birds got out of there alive.
Wow sometimes I just don't know what possesses people to do the things they do. Oh crap I am buying my bird today right up above there from a private breeder...How would you have any idea if they were stolen?! I don't think they could have been stolen. The breeder has eggs hatching and knows the hatchdate of the greys and had them banded. Boy I hope it's okay...
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I thought the same thing that perhaps the stolen birds were from the hoarders home. The shelter they went to was the Miami Valley shelter (in ohio) if I'm not mistaken?
no they have not gone to the shelter yet Im assuming that they are waiting a on a warrant or for the elderly man to change his mind and just hand them over . Suncon all I can say to you is I hope you did check these people out before you handed over the loot . Just saying , please dont get angry but the more of these stories I hear I just want to deal with people in person and meet them at their home and see where the birds were bred and hatched and how many of you feel the same way ?
First of all those birds were NOT stolen they were legally signed over by the owner and are with a vet..

and here is the updated info
Exotic birds found in house relocated - Troy Daily News | Troy, Ohio | Covering Southern Miami County - Troy, OH

those birds were not rescued the human officer who is far from human helped this low life murdering piece of trash move the birds to his barn.

I agree with you and I know that mr ratcliffe probably put that ad on craigslist himself . Also ms karns is a humane officer so she knows nothing about birds Im sure . So we are going on a dog and cat persons word . It is ridiculous and I have sent out emails to officials since I as a citizen of Ohio find this behavior appauling and I also said to the state attorney that perhaps Ms Karns was not the best officer to investigate this matter . I have yet to hear back from any official .

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