I figured out how to calm him down!


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Sun Conure (Clifford), two budgies (Odin and Diana), and CAG (Bongo)
Poor Clifford has been a hormonal mess lately. He's also still scared of my hands. When I came home from work today he was screaming and throwing his toys around throwing a tantrum. He stopped when I talked to him, but the moment I stopped talking he started screaming again. I know all he wants is love and attention, and hes still too scared to cuddle. Instincts told me to do with him the same as I would do with a baby. So I threw a towel over him, picked him up, swaddled him in it and petted his head and sang to him. Within 2 minutes he was sound asleep. Soooo sweet.
The best part is I had the towel on the top of his cage and he threw it onto the chair and hopped down, grabbed it and brought it to me. I laid it out flat on my lap and he climbed right on top of it! It may have to be with a towel but at least he wants to cuddle!
Happy momma <3
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I was afraid it would stress him out to be toweled. But nope...he loves it.
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I was worried it would scare him but yesterday when he was at the bottom of his cage he let me pet him. If he hadn't done that I wouldn't have toweled him. If he wasnt so hysterical I wouldn't have done it either. But I was desperate to calm him down. I would never ever want to stress him out unless I had no other choice. So I don't know if I would necessarily reccomend doing that.
It's so sweet when they cuddle....awwwwww so glad it worked out....don't be surprised if in a few days you have a real cuddle bug on your hands, Mickey now demands cuddles:D It may take a while, but it's so worth it.
Some birds are nice and calm in a towel and others hate it. It's nice that he likes it though as vet visits will be less stressful for him. Merlin has been to the vet so much since I've had her she is terrified of towels now.
Some birds are nice and calm in a towel and others hate it. It's nice that he likes it though as vet visits will be less stressful for him. Merlin has been to the vet so much since I've had her she is terrified of towels now.

Ditto. I wouldn't recommend this for all, as it could really scare or traumatize the bird and break their bond/trust.
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I definatly would not have done this in any normal circumstance, and was sooooo afraid that he would be mad at me or scared of me when I did it. I just kept thinking how he coud give himself a little birdie heart attack if he did not calm down, so I had no other choice. Turns out, he just wanted to cuddle all along, and wasnt sure he could trust me. He is doing much better since then. But I do agree with everyone else. I wont towel him ever again unless I absolutley HAVE TO.
Aww that's so cute! I love when they fetch things for you to show you want they want ;)

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