i feel evil today!


New member
Jan 13, 2011
well i was having marmite on toast for breakfast, and as i love marmite, i smoother my toast in it :)

well the nut was in one of her must have moods, so she pestered, and clambered all over me. so i gave her a little of the crust that just had a touch of butter on

:32: ohhh yum!!!

when she had finished, licking all butter off an shredding crust all over, she came onto my shoulder demanding more!

this time she got a little with marmite on!!


she literally flung it away, made a little surprised peep sound, and then started to rub her beak furiously on my shoulder as well as chewing my shirt in order to get rid of the taste :09::D she puffed up, beak grinded, squeeked, in between furiously rubbing her beak an chewing on my clothes

i don't think she will trust my food for awhile now lol

are there other food you fids have this reaction to??
Chicken wings!!! :eek: No kidding! When we have chicken wings/hot wings/buffalo wings...whatever you want to call them, every single one of our fids goes ballistic! They all actually BEG!!! We can't have them out when we eat hot wings because they WILL come and get some, and there is NO deterring them from it, lol. :D
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lol @ secrete eating of the hot wings :)
Merlin begs for ANYTHING we have haha. You'd think he's never fed!

We can't eat around him without sharing food. My budgie Wonsy used to also stomp all over my food to share too. I'm just grateful Merlin sticks to the side of the plate.

Love the storys about Nut, I love the frantic beak rubbing that they do. :D
Pasta. My blue crown Tootsie knows it the instant that she sees me filling the pot with water. The Senegal Sidney just expects his share of whatever I'm eating. He does not get excited, just relentlessly comes over and wants it. It is like trying to stop the tide coming in if I try to keep him from the plate.

The only thing that he ever rejected is he snagged a bit of onion before I could brush him away. I know it is not good for them and he spit it right out and commenced beak rubbing.
Oh my gosh what a cute story!! Thank you for sharing!!!
Lol . My budgie Rocko i used to have just HAD to have whatever i was eating. Didint matter what it was. And if i had a cup with anything in it he would hop on up and sample that as well. Only thing he didnt like was steak. He wouldnt leave me alone untill finally i said fine here. One lick and he was doing the beak rubbing thing lol.
I was chopping veggies for a stew this morning and the Beaks came down to check things out. They enjoyed the celery, parsnip and carrot, had a go at the turnip and didn't like it. Then, I began slicing a leek and they were both fascinated by the big loopy rings. They *ran* to get hold of a bit!

Well, you should have seen their faces once they got a taste! LOLOLOLOL! They shook their heads and rubbed their beaks furiously - Barney even flew away from the nasty leek. I doubt they'll be having leek again in the near future. Mind you, they really love cauliflower, even in preference to nice green broccoli. Just not leek. :D
I was chopping veggies for a stew this morning and the Beaks came down to check things out. They enjoyed the celery, parsnip and carrot, had a go at the turnip and didn't like it. Then, I began slicing a leek and they were both fascinated by the big loopy rings. They *ran* to get hold of a bit!

Well, you should have seen their faces once they got a taste! LOLOLOLOL! They shook their heads and rubbed their beaks furiously - Barney even flew away from the nasty leek. I doubt they'll be having leek again in the near future. Mind you, they really love cauliflower, even in preference to nice green broccoli. Just not leek. :D

"The Beaks" I love it!

Merlin does the beak wipe when he eats lemon and lime but he LOVES lemon and lime. He's just messy. :p
Yup, PASTA!!! Same as JamesC....maybe it's a conure thing? :) Georgie also was crazy about pasta. My birds have always been (like me) comfort carb lovers--pasta, rice, corn, lima beans, bread. Luckily Gilbert shares my love of veggies as well.
Last night i was eating Thai take out--pad thai and a side order of coconut rice. That crazy bird kept climbing off his perch and running to steal an extra noodle from my pad thai, then running back to his perch with it, like it was "home base" and he was safe with the noodle.
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Yup, PASTA!!! Same as JamesC....maybe it's a conure thing? :) Georgie also was crazy about pasta. My birds have always been (like me) comfort carb lovers--pasta, rice, corn, lima beans, bread. Luckily Gilbert shares my love of veggies as well.
Last night i was eating Thai take out--pad thai and a side order of coconut rice. That crazy bird kept climbing off his perch and running to steal an extra noodle from my pad thai, then running back to his perch with it, like it was "home base" and he was safe with the noodle.

lol what is with the, home base thing?? the nut does that, she will travel the length of the table, grab what ever and then drag, back to her place at the table, or if we are in the room, she tries at times to fly back to top of her cage, but only with stolen goods!! if its food we give her, she is happy to eat in situ lol

Betrisher and *the beaks :) love the term

thanks all for sharing, :09:

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