I donated blood today


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Cory: Short billed Corella -
Echo: Galah -
Max: Alexandrine -
Skye: Yellow Sided conure -
Luka: Green Cheek Conure -
RIP Shrek: Quaker
They said to drink lots, when I get home... So I did, and now I'm drunk!
:09: LOL! Good for you donating blood!
Haha! Thankyou for donating blood, I used to be a regular donater but I'm unable to now because my illness bars me from it. My grandad and my dad donated until they couldn't anymore.

It saves lives, I encourage you all to donate if you can :). (Plus there's usually tea and biscuits!)
Are you blonde? Alcohol dehydrates you; just the wrong thing after losing blood. Good for you, though.

I started to give blood on Saturday, but it had been less than 14 days since my Shingles vaccination, so they refused me. If you're over 50, and have had chickenpox, get the shot, no matter what. An Old Bold Pilot friend said he had been shot at, bailed out, crashed, and had broken bones, and never had pain like the Shingles.
My youngest son, 20yrs. old, donates regularly. The first time he did it was in high school, he passed out! Not sure if it was from low blood sugar or the sight of blood! He's an amazing kid, in his second year at UCDavis and when he comes home, I do his laundry, I see that a lot of his t-shirts are the freeby blood donor shirts. One actually says, "I'd rather be giving blood"! He's now signed up to be a bone marrow donor. Love you Wyatt!
Good for you!
I wish I could give blood but I'm too young. My dad gives blood all the time because he has the blood type that can go to everybody.
LMAO! Too funny!

And thank you for giving blood. You've earned some good Karma today! :D I can't do it, but my Husband is an Emergency Donor for the Navy and Coast Guard, so he can't give via the usual channels. But once he's out, he'll donate regularly. He's just one of those people that donates easily.
I've been giving blood since I was 17. I get turned away sometimes because of my iron count. I have trouble absorbing iron. :( I haven't been turned away in awhile though. I've been good about remembering to take my vitamins so my iron levels stay normal. My mother is the one who got me into donating. She's been donating since before I was even born and continues to donate when she can. I've done the double red cell donation once and it made me feel extremely crappy. That's the only time I felt terrible after giving blood. I don't know if I'll do it again. I really want to, but I felt so bad for like a week and a half after giving blood. I've never felt terrible after doing the regular donation. I know I'll continue to donate until they tell me I can't anymore. It doesn't take long at all to donate. I don't understand people who won't donate because it's "their blood" (my brother and best friend's reasoning)
LOL Not that kinda drink!!

Good job. I used to give blood starting when I was going to tech school. Then when I worked for Honda they had blood drives two or three times a year where they would come to the plant. Haven't given since then but I'd like to start again.
I haven't donated blood cause I'm scared of needles but I wish I could. Instead, I'm an organ, eye, and tissue donor. I still wish I could do more :(
My ex has the idea in his head to donate one of his kidneys. *facepalm* My best friend and I joke that instead of finding a job, he's selling his organs. He's perfectly capable of working he just thinks some jobs are "below him".

Not that I see anything wrong with donating a kidney, I just think he's coming up with more reasons not to find a job. He's always been an avid blood donor (and an excellent bum who somehow always mooches of others. This is why we aren't together anymore) I personally wouldn't give up one of my kidneys unless somebody I knew needed it. I just can't picture myself signing up to give to a total stranger. It's a beautiful gift to give somebody. I'm just struggling to wrap my brain around the whole idea. They so far have him matched up with a 19 or 20 (cant remember which) year old in Illinois who has been on the list for 4 years and does dialysis 4 days a week for 3 hours. Like I said, it's a beautiful gift to give, I just don't understand it. You make more blood... you don't make more organs.
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It was actually a joke... it was just the way she said it... lol... I did have 2 glasses of wine watered down (half and half) with dinner...

I have given blood for many years, I'm 60+ and not blonde.. My sense of the ridiculous sometimes gets the better of me...
Donating blood is a very unselfish think to do. Providing life for someone who needs it. Nothing could top this gift. Thank you very much as I was once a recipient of donated blood. I donate myself because of this.
Thanks - I usually donate, but have to wait a while because I just parted company with my gall bladder (good riddance) and the surgeon said wait a couple months or so! I'm not as rare a blood type as my Dad and big brother, they are B-neg, but I am B-positive which isn't all that common, so they are always glad to see me!
LOL, funny! Thanks for doing this, I've been meaning to. I'm O- so I'm in high demand;)

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