I assumed that ekkies would never be snuggly!


New member
Mar 26, 2013
Dallas TX
6 mo old Eclectus :)
imgur: the simple image sharer

I know, he will grow up, as hes only 4.5 months old, but I have been enjoying snuggle time since I met him <3

awwww how cute. i love ekkies, every one i have known has been cuddly and affectionate. so hopefully as he grows your bond will grow even stronger and he will stay your cuddly little (or not so little) birdue
What a cutie!! Ekkies are VERY affectionate. I love it!! They may not be too fond of being pet or getting head scritches, but they do love to curl up on your chest and fall asleep. I know mine rests her little beak on my cheek and falls asleep when I'm studying. I seriously melt from the cuteness overload. hehe. It's like the little butterfly feeling you get in your stomach, and your smile reaches from ear to ear. Nothing beats a nice little snuggle. <3
Eclectus are not known for being cuddly. So if you have one that is, consider yourslef very lucky. They also don't appreciate a lot of touching either. Now, I guess if you got a baby and practiced with him or her from an early age to accept this then maybe they would grow to be more accepting of head scratches or petting. When I got Mac, he was 2 years. The people that I got him from weren't very affectionate with him nor did they touch him very much. So it's been a bit of a challenge, but he will now allow me to pet him, scratch his head and neck, lift up his wings and such.
Everything I read about Blue Fronted Amazons stated that they were not cuddly birds. I beg to differ! haha :) Annelise loves to go to sleep on my chest with her head tucked underneath my hair....or her beak resting against my cheek. It's ADORABLE!! And when she is in her cuddle mood, I can rub her and give her neck scritches....but at no other time does she like being touched on her body. Finicky little girl ;)

~~~Tonia & Annelise
Cute picture! I love snugly birds
We have two adopted eckies. The 18 year old loves to be with my wife, hugging her neck for hours, but just tolerates me. The other is 8 years old and is only willingly affectionate with me. He is very cage protective and she will get bit if not careful, whereas he only nibbles my fingers playfully. When we got them they were just the opposite. We don't know or care too much about the change as long as their happy.
My female is by far the biggest cuddle bug!
The only time my GCC wants it is when he wants some pin feather assistance.
Awwwww, how cute!!!! Both of my ekkies snuggle with me...They're so adorable!!! I taught JoJo to give me kisses. I would kiss him on his cheek and make a kiss sound and he does it back to me. I tell him give me a kiss, he puts his cheek towards me and I make a kiss sound, his beak touches my cheek and make a kissing sound right back at me. :)
Your baby is beautiful! Oliver (almost 10 months old) is very affectionate. Sometimes he hisses or growls when on his play stand but it's all a show and only when my son is around, who he's quite anamored with. He cuddles and loves to be pet and now that I'm not afraid of his beak he's all over my fingers with his beak in a loving playful manner. He closes his eyes as if he's in birdy heaven when I rub the sides of his beak. And I can't express enough the change in him now that I rub his beak and yes, I've even managed to kiss his beak (THIS IS HUGE FOR ME!).
Your baby is beautiful! Oliver (almost 10 months old) is very affectionate. Sometimes he hisses or growls when on his play stand but it's all a show and only when my son is around, who he's quite anamored with. He cuddles and loves to be pet and now that I'm not afraid of his beak he's all over my fingers with his beak in a loving playful manner. He closes his eyes as if he's in birdy heaven when I rub the sides of his beak. And I can't express enough the change in him now that I rub his beak and yes, I've even managed to kiss his beak (THIS IS HUGE FOR ME!).

Yay!! Congrats. I know both you and Oliver appreciate the new bonding experience. I know how much you struggled with the beak fear. I'm so glad to hear the improvements you've made. Oh and the kissing the beak. Eek!! I got so excited just reading that. What a night and day difference! Took a bit of perseverance, but that's what it sometimes takes to be a great owner. It's all about dedication, love and perseverance and you just overcame your hardest obstacle. Kudos!! :)
imgur: the simple image sharer

I know, he will grow up, as hes only 4.5 months old, but I have been enjoying snuggle time since I met him <3


I have an EKIE that is 4 months old this 19th and he does the same thing, loves his "cuddle time" (George) is so much fun, he has begun making noises like words and even saying Hello and Hi one time each (I was shocked as he is so young). I take him everywhere I go and he sure is a conversation starter and VERY social. Your boy looks a lot like my George. I think sometimes that George thinks he is a cross between a cat/dog/& bird lol. He loves to snuggle under my chin like the cat, he jumps off his perch and follows me around the house like the dogs do and then he was on his "car perch" on the way to the vet the other day (well baby check up) when he squawk out "**** A DOODLE DOOO" I have NO idea where he learned that because I have never said it, but he does watch boomerang and sesame st when I cant be with him during the day.

I love that someone else here has a baby boy as young as George. Gracie (my female) was born on May 1st and will be home with me late August, so I will have 2 young ones.

Enjoy the Snuggle it is the most amazing thing to bond with a bird, and Ekie's are a breed all to their own from what I have experienced thus far.

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