How to treat a wounded lovebird


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Dec 7, 2014
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Hi guys, I recently bought two lovebirds and one of the lovebirds bit the other one at the anus area. There was bleeding which was held under control, but the bird who was bit kept picking at her wound. So I came up with many ideas on how to prevent my bird from picking at its wound. Firstly I made a "bird collar" from a plastic divider. This prevents the bird from picking at its wound because it restricts their neck movement. Secondly if that doesn't work cut a small rectangular piece of cardboard and wrap that in gauze. Then you take that and wrap it around the birds neck which also restricts the neck movement. If none of these things work, go to the vet!
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Have you tried putting any neosporin or polysporin, the cream version, not ointment version on the injury? I've used that successfully on bitten toes...the cream is not petroleum based and has an antiseptic and mild pain reliever in it.....
Sorry this happened but you might want to take the bird to a vet (avian) just to be safe. It might need antibiotics. Good luck.
Neosporin is good idea - he might have some itching there. My lovie gets into mischief all the time injuring (not badly) herself every once in a while. And sometimes they get mutually bitten with my male budgie or gcc. I noticed that she really does't bleed comparing to my budgie who will bleed from needle head tip scratch, and heals very quickly. I use neosporin and Russian/Ukrainian green stuff called "zelenka". It's a fantastic on wounds and is completely safe - they use it on newborns. But if it's a deeper wound you definitely need to see a vet!
I agree with Critterman, I highly recommend taking your lovebird to the vet FIRST could help determine the seriousness of the bite and to further see if your bird will need special medication. When I first brought Gizmo in for his butt, they found a bacterial infection. Not saying that your bird has sustained that, but the vet might or might not find something else.

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