how to tame wild parakeet? please help


New member
Jul 8, 2015
Ahmedabad, India
2 Indian Ringneck parakeets
hello. i recently bought(a week ago) a couple of Indian Ringneck Parakeets[/B]. they are 6 months old(seller told me). my question is how do i tame them. i watched many videos on youtube about how to tame a wild bird. but the thing is my birds are so scared of me. when i go near their cage they just want to stay away from me and goes to opposite side of the cage from where i m standing. so i cant even think about hand feeding and stuff. i need help!
Thank you.
(sorry for my bad English)
Just hang with them, no feed, no anything. Just hang! You are both learning each other? Difference? For you, a new buddy, for them, am I dessert, or the main course?
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Should I let them come out of their cage? Because they r able to fly and I m worried that they wont go back into the cage. And thanks for the reply.
I have 2 parakeets. One is partially tamed. One is not. I let them out. So far they always go back on their own. I keep them in 1 room with the doors shut.

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