How to not clip your parrot's wings and still let it depend on you


New member
Dec 19, 2016
Hi guys,
Sorry for all of these questions. I am wondering if you dont clip your parrots wings is there a way that they will not depend on their wings but instead you. I still want them to fly becayse that is their gift from god so..
Jasper (my ringneck) can fly, but he will always fly to me, or fly around but always return to me (or wait for me to come get him). The more your bird trusts you, and has a stronger bond with you, the more likely they are to want to spend time with you whether they're clipped or flighted. That's still not going to stop them from wanting to fly though, as its a part of their normal behaviour :)
Hi guys,
Sorry for all of these questions. I am wondering if you dont clip your parrots wings is there a way that they will not depend on their wings but instead you. I still want them to fly becayse that is their gift from god so..

As you asked and Raixalotto has answered so well I just wanted to chip in that you cannot force this, it has to come from your bird. Relax and enjoy your feathered friend and I am sure it will come. :)
Ditto what Raixalotto said! Lol!

I think you might want to adjust your approach on this. Let's look at the title for this thread. "How to not clip your parrot's wings and still let it depend on you". The premise there is a supposition that a bird must feel a sense of dependency on you in order to facilitate a bond between you. And I don't blame you for looking at it that way. Many trainers over the years have utilized that very same approach.

Truth of the matter is, dependency and bonding are two separate things. Further, the closeness that is forced via dependency only mimics a true bond IMO. Do you want your bird to spend time with you because he/she feels they have to? Or because they want to? Going the dependency route is perhaps faster. And it's certainly easier. (Why do I sound like Yoda when he was describing for Luke the differences between the light and dark sides of the Force? "No! Not stronger! Easier, it is. More seductive." Lol!) But forging a true bond is better. Stronger. And far more gratifying.

Work on building the trust between you. This starts with bribery. Lots of bribery. Find a favorite treat and offer it between meals. You want to build the association in your bird's mind between you and tasty goodness. Offer these treats also, along with lots of praise, for successful target training and such. These interactive activities help forge a comradeship between you that will cause your bird to want to spend time with you.

With patience and consistency, you'll be surprised at what can be achieved.
When I got married for the second time, to Geri, I broke both her legs so she would always have depend on me. I have to break them again periodically, but all in all it's worked pretty well. It may not be love, but it sure looks a lot like it.
When I got married for the second time, to Geri, I broke both her legs so she would always have depend on me. I have to break them again periodically, but all in all it's worked pretty well. It may not be love, but it sure looks a lot like it.

Ha ha don't get Geri a fry pan for Christmas whatever you do! Good to see you back to ... well, 'you'. Skritches to Salty. :)
Two separate things! A human wife, make her quit her job, never drive, so she trusts you more?
Ha ha ha! Love it...Well said. Glad you know better!

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