how to introduce a macaw to another macaw?


New member
May 19, 2015
Blue and gold macaw PENNY♡♡

Blue and gold macaw LOUIE♡
Hello I would like to know how some of you with multiple macaws introduce them to eachother? And also how long do they take to warm up with eachother if they ever do. Do male to male get along? How about female with female macaw?? .....Thanks and would love to hear some input :):blue1::red1:
Hi there yeska89, and welcome to the forums. :)

How old are your B&G, how long have you had them, and who did you have first (male or female)?

Macaw are pair bonded birds, so if you have indeed a male and a female, they may instantly 'hit it off' with each other, or they may not. Their body language will be a pretty good indicator what they think of one another.

I'd introduce them on 'neutral' ground, meaning neither in her nor in his cage, but possibly a (HUGE) playstand that is big enough where they can get away from each other if they wanted to.

Yes, 2 male big macs can get along just perfectly - mine certainly do. I had my B&G first, and when he was 3 I added an 18-month old male GW to my flock. My B&G was initially petrified of the GW, but they quickly became good friends. :) They are not caged together, they are, however, allowed to spend a lot of time with each other on my 2 big, combined Java trees.

Here is another thread where someone is introducing a second big mac:
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Ok well i have a macaw wich they told me it was a female, but im not sure because i havent done the DNA test, I didnt feel the need to because ill love her either way and she loves me too :) and it wasnt in my plans to get another macaw, until i found a BG male, he looked ok but i feel bad for him because he was in a really small lil cage, he was eating nothing but sunflower seeds, with dirty water dish.. I just couldnt left him there in bad conditions like that :( the lady said she was selling it because she didnt had time for him.. so i bought him. Gonna buy a new bigger cage for him amd also bought a manzanita tree stand.

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