How to get my conure to eat veggies


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2022
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I made a thread about this previously and I finally got Jello (GCC) to try.... a single pea. Since then, many veggies that I have offered have made their way to the trash as he absolutely ignores them. He's alright with fruit, but again- he needs veggies. I realized that he LOVES sharing drinks with me, and watching me drink stuff. Right now we are sharing a smoothie, but he loves tea (Starbucks passion tea is just fruit and herbs and totally safe for birds). Have any of you ever tried this method of getting veggies into your birds diet? Any other tips? He's a very social eater but he's also very picky..
I made a thread about this previously and I finally got Jello (GCC) to try.... a single pea. Since then, many veggies that I have offered have made their way to the trash as he absolutely ignores them. He's alright with fruit, but again- he needs veggies. I realized that he LOVES sharing drinks with me, and watching me drink stuff. Right now we are sharing a smoothie, but he loves tea (Starbucks passion tea is just fruit and herbs and totally safe for birds). Have any of you ever tried this method of getting veggies into your birds diet? Any other tips? He's a very social eater but he's also very picky..
Hey! Progress is progress no matter how small! Lol

Have you tried birdie bread? Even if they never eat fresh veg if they eat birdie bread with veg in it that's still great.
Something else birds may find more fun, a few bird websites sell stainless steel skewers for putting veg/fruit on, I've found small success with that but your conure may enjoy it more than mine.
If he likes drinking what you're drinking so much you could make a veggie smoothie and pretend drink it or if you like it really drink it.
I made a thread about this previously and I finally got Jello (GCC) to try.... a single pea. Since then, many veggies that I have offered have made their way to the trash as he absolutely ignores them. He's alright with fruit, but again- he needs veggies. I realized that he LOVES sharing drinks with me, and watching me drink stuff. Right now we are sharing a smoothie, but he loves tea (Starbucks passion tea is just fruit and herbs and totally safe for birds). Have any of you ever tried this method of getting veggies into your birds diet? Any other tips? He's a very social eater but he's also very picky..
This (hopefully) sounds like an easy task by the sound of it. If your bird is a social eater and he enjoys eating with you… just eat the veggies with him. A lot of birds are scared of new foods and have to be shown that it won’t poison them. In the wild, they often observe other birds to learn what is safe and what isn’t. It seems like he trusts your judgement so he will probably be more keen to eat them if he sees that you are eating them too. If he has a favorite fruit or food, maybe try to mix it in as well? Pellets work too but my birds are suckers for blueberries and melon. If they decide to be picky that day, they instantly change their minds once their favorite treat is seen in the bowl. Maybe you can sprinkle the Starbucks water in bowl? I’ve heard of people sprinkling juice in their veggies so I don’t see how starbucks would hurt haha.

Try to fit in new foods and textures the more that your GCC gets used to it too! There are some good resources on here chop recipes. Every bird has their own preference so you may need to experiment. For example, I have to ‘microwave’ my bird’s vegetables for them to show interest. It’s worth it for healthy birds though lol.

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