How to clean poop off a couch lol


New member
Jul 27, 2012
Largo - 3 month old Green Cheek Conure
Hey guys, Largo made the gigantic leap of not only jumping onto my hands, not only coming out of his cage, but allowing scritches to boot!I had covered the sofa just in case but as animals tend to do, he pooped on the only thing that wasn't covered - the pouffe. I got most of it straight off but can anyone recommend how they normally get it off, as I imaging thie will be a frequent occurrence :)

I'm so glad he seems to trust me now, although he is still pretty pants at stepping up. I've got a clicker coming Monday so we can start clicker training. Hopefully I will manage to snap a pic of him out of his cage later - I've put him back for now, he was getting a bit hyperactive and in his case hyperactive tends to lean towards bitey. My hands already lost a fair amount of skin this morning to his "playing". As a side note, he doesn't seem to be biting because I've scared him, he was asleep on my hand, woke up for 5 minutes then started to almost absent mindedly bite my hand. I tilted my hand a bit so he lost his balance and had to flap to sort himself out but I'm not sure if this will move us back a step if he loses trust in my hand as a perfectly safe place to sit.
Those birdie Poops' LoL

Use a tissue to clean up as much of the poo as possible and discard.
Mix a paste of equal parts powdered laundry detergent and water.
Apply the paste to the stain with an old toothbrush and scrub it into the fibers well. Allow the paste to sit on the area for at least 10 minutes.
Use the brush attachment of the vacuum cleaner to vacuum up any dry detergent particles.


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Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a try :) I am ashamed to admit I have not run the vac. cleaner since we got Largo on Thursday. I didn't want to terrify him immediately but now I have his trust and am even more concerned about scaring him witless and having to start over again. The living room carpet is now reaching a critical situation, as he's such a messy brat :D

How did others deal with the first vacuuming (DAH-DAH -DAAAAH)? lol
Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a try :) I am ashamed to admit I have not run the vac. cleaner since we got Largo on Thursday. I didn't want to terrify him immediately but now I have his trust and am even more concerned about scaring him witless and having to start over again. The living room carpet is now reaching a critical situation, as he's such a messy brat :D

How did others deal with the first vacuuming (DAH-DAH -DAAAAH)? lol

I have tiles throughout our apartment, much easier when having a bird/s. We just sweep and mop (all day long) LoL

When Mishka sits on my lap, on the couch, I always cover my lap with a towel.

OH goodness My eclectus has not pooped on my couch, that would be bad.. My conure has and i used a solution of water and liquid soap. I have 1 area rug it has been lucky not to be pooped on yet, seems they prefer to poop on the wood and tile, which i am grateful LOL
You need a product called "poop off" takes poop off everything.
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Thanks Dishgal, I'll have a look online for it. To be honest if I minded the poop issue I wouldn't have gotten a parrot - I would just rather he didn't go on my new sofa lol. I'm starting clicker training with him next week and depending how well we get on with the initial training, I might try to toilet train him at a later point.
Poop-off wipes are great for this. Just make sure the color isn't affected by testing in an inconspicuous area.
The Poop-off products mentioned above work great on so many surfaces. We were using it like crazy to clean the cage and all other bird-related things and poops. Those wipes get pricey. But I found something that works just as good and might in fact be the same type of solution -- It's the "produce wash" you get in the supermarket. I get mine in a local vitamin/healthfood store - but they sell it in some regular supermarkets and Whole Foods for sure. I buy the one that is a concentrate, then I dilute it to a spray bottle for cleaning our produce and for spraying on pooped-up surfaces. It works amazingly on my off white carpet (carpet was there before we moved in), fabric, mirrors, metal, glass. Also, I can use it right from the concentrate bottle for bigger or darker poop droppings. The only thing I would not recommend it for so far is ons stainless steel appliances. they sell premixed in spray bottles. you won't believe the gunk that comes off your produce when you soak it in this stuff -- especially non-organic grapes. Good luck.
The Poop-off products mentioned above work great on so many surfaces. We were using it like crazy to clean the cage and all other bird-related things and poops. Those wipes get pricey. But I found something that works just as good and might in fact be the same type of solution -- It's the "produce wash" you get in the supermarket. I get mine in a local vitamin/healthfood store - but they sell it in some regular supermarkets and Whole Foods for sure. I buy the one that is a concentrate, then I dilute it to a spray bottle for cleaning our produce and for spraying on pooped-up surfaces. It works amazingly on my off white carpet (carpet was there before we moved in), fabric, mirrors, metal, glass. Also, I can use it right from the concentrate bottle for bigger or darker poop droppings. The only thing I would not recommend it for so far is ons stainless steel appliances. they sell premixed in spray bottles. you won't believe the gunk that comes off your produce when you soak it in this stuff -- especially non-organic grapes. Good luck.

You can make your own veggie wash/ poop off..........
1 cup water 1 cup vinegar and 1 tbsp baking soda and 1tbsp lemon juice. Edited for correct recipe
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Seems like the couch cleaning has been resolved. My only input there is that carpet cleaner is NOT an appropriated solution...

As far as vacuuming goes, none of my birds seem particularly perturbed by it. They don't like it and sometimes my parakeet will start yelling for a little while, the budgies usually get quiet, but as soon as I stop they're back to business as usual.
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Lol he hated it - he screamed the whole time but settled down within about 5 minutes of it going off.
We also use diluted white vinegar and bicarbonate of soda; it's one of those 'ye old' cleaning mixes that works on just about everything.

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