How To Breed Dwarf African Clawed Frogs


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Hi All,

Dwarf African Clawed Frogs, also known as Dwarf African Frogs (Hymenochirus boettgeri and H. curtipes) are very popular pets, yet few hobbyists attempt to breed them in captivity. Reproduction sometimes occurs spontaneously, but unless one is prepared, the eggs and tadpoles rarely survive. As both a lifelong frog enthusiast and career herpetologist, I find this to be a sad state of affairs. For these tiny aquatic frogs can be easily induced to breed and exhibit some of the amphibian world’s most amazing reproductive behaviors – including a circular egg-laying “dance” that may go on for 7 hours! The bizarre tadpoles are equipped with tubular mouths and swim in a head up position at the water’s surface, propelled by rapidly-beating tails. Looking somewhat like tiny skin-divers, rearing a tankful of these charming little amphibians is a most interesting and pleasurable undertaking. Read the rest of this article here How to Breed Dwarf African Clawed Frogs

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Best Regards, Frank Indiviglio
Thanks Frank. Interesting as usual, Alison:)

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